ash hole
[COVID SORTA] it's sorta telling that, despite the fact that we're in a global crisis, and despite the fact that i'm actually feeling a tiny bit sick...
ash hole
that calling out of work still makes me feel guilty
ash hole
not like it really matters if i'm there. we get like twenty customers a day
ash hole
also before anyone gets worried, i'm 90% sure i'm not sick with covid, and possibly not sick at all
ash hole
i've been having sorta allergy-like stuff for a few days now and it's just gotten a little worse today
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i just took my temp and it's fine
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i don't know if this headache and general "bleh" feeling is because i didn't have coffee today
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i still feel guilty. like i'm tricking myself, like i'm just doing this so i have more time to play animal crossing
ash hole
like best case scenario is that i get it in the middle of the day tomorrow, after my shift would've been over, so it doesn't even make logical sense to think that way
just stay home
ash hole
yeah. i'm gonna
ash hole
just on the off chance
businesses are shutting down, people are getting laid off
me: but i really should be looking for work right now, right this moment
ash hole
god, right?
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this sucks
ash hole
understatment of the century
three friends got laid off today, and my brain is STILL going 'well if you were still at walmart you'd have a job'
buddy if i was still at walmart i'd probably be dead
ash hole
c h r i s t
brains, man