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/softly plurks
Though on the other hand, do not forget this.
Thx everybody!
the second one is very good advice
Thx everybody!
just generally lol
Thx everybody!
first one though, I'd like a source on. not finding anything on snopes
Angry Popoto
I feel like I’ve seen something about that recently. Let me look around...
Angry Popoto
Alright, to at least some extent there’s this, from The NY Times.
Angry Popoto
I feel like there was something else regarding this as well, but I haven’t been able to find it just yet.
Thx everybody!
excellent, thank you
Angry Popoto
New Warning Issued For All WhatsApp And iMessage Use...
Angry Popoto
The source website is Forbes, and there appears to be a similar article on the Verge.