[mdzs] i guess i got to the part where it goes from dumb gay boys to really thinly veiled political commentary and dumb gay boys
like. this whole plotline of "hey WWX did you know you're only a hero when you're on our side? :'D"
and WWX's refuge village in Yiling, damn
wo ai ni ★
Very damn
just like the whole. oh yeah everyone from the Wen clan is evil because they're from teh Wen clan
and Jin GuangYao basically stepping in and doing the same shit the Wen clan did
ahih rei-yah;
y e a h
Apple ⚘
it sure does that thing
im just like. ah. i see it's not just the smut that makes this illegal
I had the perception going into this that WWX's bad decisions would more or less lead him into Yiling Patriarch mode and instead here he comes like "hey guys war crimes are bad, ima chill over here and grow some radishes" and the whole world is like "UMMMMM?? EXCUSE???"
To be fair he does also make some bad decisions but counterpoint: fuck those dudes
right like. WWX certainly loses his temper and does some shit that is ill advised but also? if they'd just. left him alone and stopped being war criminals to the Wen clan he wouldn't have lost it???
Wen Ning was a good soft boy who didn't deserve this
The cultivation world's biggest crime is looking at Wen Ning's sweet face and deciding they did not want to protect that for life. Say what you will about WWX's runaway mouth but he had THAT pretty much immediately prioritized.
(actually it is the aforementioned war crimes and a number of other atrocities, but see also: Wen Ning's sweet face)
ahih rei-yah;
yeah their great big boogeyman was establishing a refugee camp and trying to figure out how to plant radishes and take care of one (1) good zombie boy
WWX's real crime was buying potatoes instead of radishes
wen qing agrees
the potatoes are part of my folder of evidence that mdzs is actually set in a post-apocalyptic future
Apple ⚘
potatoes ARE better than radishes, wei wuxian was rightt
radishes are good when they're pickled tho
give me a jar of pickled radishes I'll eat them
Apple ⚘
i have never had a picked radish i think so i may stand corrected until i try one. until then, wwx was correct in trying to become potato farmer on a cursed mountain while trying to ignore political rivals who wanted him dead for power
I've only ever had it as danmuji and kimchi which are both Korean, not Chinese, but still
also pickled foods keep longer. wwx you need to think in the longer term
Apple ⚘
jghlfgh oh silly me i have def had kimchi before
Apple ⚘
POTATOES....MORE VERSATILE. that's thinking ahead!!! wwx has this whole cursed mountain for his refugees. he totally planned that
most kimchi is cabbage but they do make radish kimchi and I slice it for burgers do recommend
radish cake is good