Well, he didn't really, it was more that the circuit delay and his speed gave him enough of a head start to circle the earth and have it blow up the launcher.
And how it's an example of quality testing at its best because the QA person found the original left joystick was not receiving input directly so it got fixed.
Well, giving David a migraine that first time made Bart especially careful. So David and his roommate who doesn't actually have to touch things to move them will be the only ones handling David's controller for when he games with them.
It's fine that they touch it. He can't pick up other people's history from things they touch. Only the object itself. and getting used and loved is perfectly fine. Just don't give him one that has been in someone' mouth or something weird
Sadly the sense of self of the item would come when the material was more completed and it would more identify as the completed whole. But given time, and practice and future canon updates he might be able to get down to that minutiae.
Now I'm wondering how much my childhood teddy-bear resents me not sleeping with her after I actually hunted down someone who could restuff and repair her.
I got lucky that my parents knew someone who made custom jointed stuffed animals. Amusingly, the bear got named Pat Pend because it had a cloth tag on the foot with that abbreviation.
and future canon updateshe might be able to get down to that minutiae.