Abra 🥗
I’m annoyed that Amy dropped out to help Biden. He’s about as effective as a piece of cardboard, but the establishment just can’t help themselves. Ugh 😑

Also convinced that Warren is only staying in the race to take votes from Sanders. If she was a true progressive she would have dropped out a long time ago.
I think Warren believes she could beat Sanders.
like actually believes.
Tillor Swift
Warren believes a lot of things about herself lol
Abra 🥗
kesseret : I’m sure she does, yeah.
Abra 🥗
Tillor Swift : I’m disappointed she chose to take Super PAC money after pledging not to at the beginning of her campaign. Definitely not the true progressive she pledged to be. How can we trust a thing she said? Can’t. And she backed out on universal healthcare? Come on, Liz.
Tillor Swift
Same. I really liked her and supported her early on because she’s a great speaker and seems likable, but the combination of her flipping on M4A, accepting super PAC $$, and having shady stuff in her past really changed how I felt.
Tillor Swift
Between her past of being a Reagan Republican, being in the pocket of the medical device industry RECENTLY, and the Native American stuff, I feel kind of icky about her and am not going to vote for a candidate whose politics I can’t go to bat for.
Tillor Swift
And I’m a big old lesbian feminist, but I’m not gonna vote for a woman just because she’s a woman.
my sister in law really likes her. I'm not a fan. I'm still not decided except Bloomberg (for today to vote). I'm thinking Bernie
Abra 🥗
kesseret : Biden is literally losing his mind
ryan mosgrove on Twitter
Abra 🥗 : I agree. I think he's always been goofy you know. he's that kind of guy. but man he's not been making his usual mistakes/goofiness.
Tillor Swift
I saw him speak several times back on the Obama campaign and I don't recall ever being like "man this dude is losing it"
Abra 🥗
Tillor Swift : My grandma went downhill the last few years, too. That’s how mental decline works, it’s a slippery slope.