basically, you're this rando on the streets hired by this old rich dude to live in this town where all this strange shit keeps happening; alien invasions, bigfoot sightings, yeti sightings, mafia shit, the works
but it's charming? i found it really enjoyable, the minigames were basically playable commercials which were fun as hell (which included both a car commercial and being chased by the mascot of a burger joint while holding onto a bunch of sodas)
Super Bomberman R is up there - the controls are just so hilariously off compared to the super-tight older Bombermans, but the storytelling clinches it as hilariously bad.
It's like an attempt to make a Bomberman 64 derivative, except entirely using the classic Bomberman controls.
Baroque for the Wii. It's a roguelike where you descend a procedurally generated tower over and over and over to shoot god at the bottom floor of the tower
and the gameplay is honestly not great, but the story is fucking wild and bonkers and i love how hard it goes in on "hey, we found god and fucked around with it using science and ruined everything"
i think i want to say i got to the second to last level? i think i hit the wall before you get into the dog pound because everything after that wWHAT THE FUCK
I actually did play Sonic 06 personally, up until during the Mach Speed zone in Sonic's Story after the castle level the xbox tipped over and ground the game disc into dust.
Janky controls, weird as fuck pathfinding, and ridiculous requirements for upgrading your spooks and some very finicky ghost unlocking requirements, but it's super charming and actually pretty fun when the AI isn't fucking around
playing basically a ghost pencil pusher assigned to haunt various locales by assigning ghosts with a wide range of ability to either drive humans out or get them to do specific things
So there was an SNES action RPG called BRAIN LORD. It is a sort of spiritual prequel to The 7th Saga and just as unintuitive and player antagonistic. It is mostly just about dungeon delving and ridiculous puzzles that confused the fuck out of me as a kid.
But it was charming in its own weird way, and the soundtrack was pretty great. Also for some reason they decided Toronto was a good name for a fantasy town so that was amusing.
i am genuinely unsure if i ever managed to beat this game, because unlike the franchise it's trying to mimic, it's the sort of game where you have to get from the beginning to the end without running out of lives or you start over
i still have a physical copy of the game, stashed away in a box somewhere. i got it off of ebay for literally one cent because that was the starting bid and nobody competed with me for it
It's like an attempt to make a Bomberman 64 derivative, except entirely using the classic Bomberman controls.
And the storytelling... Oh goodness