BREAKING: Italy quarantines 50,000 people, as the number of coronavirus cases rises to at least 79 with 2 dead.
Authorities fear that the virus has already spread beyond the isolated areas, making it difficult to contain.😳#COVID19 thespybrief
Italy imposes lockdown in coronavirus hotspots
12個城鎮封鎖、5萬人被迫留在家中、找不到感染源…義大利爆發武漢肺炎疫情 確診案例激增至79例、2人死亡...
A dozen towns in the northern regions of Lombardy and Veneto have been effectively quarantined under the plan.

Around 50,000 people from towns in two northern regions have been asked to stay at home by authorities.
Italy imposes lockdown in coronavirus hotspots