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VII, IX, XII, XIX for any and all of your boys, including Dogma
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VII. The Chariot — Describe one of your muses coping mechanisms.
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honestly Dogma is like 90% coping mechanism at any given time
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he's a rule-obsessed bitch as a coping mechanism to pretend he has some control in the face of constant chaos and uncertainty, and he's a stuck-up bitch as a sour grapes style coping mechanism for everyone disliking him because of the first thing (he didn't want friends anyway!!!)
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Dogma's coping mechanisms are a pyramid scheme
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Jedao's coping mechanism is 'be a workaholic'
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'be a busybody'
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'if you can't fix this very important thing, ignore it and pour your energy into fixing something else until you are too tired to fret about the first thing
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Kahl doesn't really cope, he just broods
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IX. The Hermit — Describe how your muse deals with personal issues. I AM NOT SURE HOW THIS IS DIFFERENT
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Dogma would deny that he had any ~personal issues~, despite being a basket of issues organized alphabetically
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Jedao picks at things like a parrot - poking and shredding, trying to pull the issue apart to figure out how to fix it
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and if this goes far enough to be distructive process and shreds himself a little too, well, whatever
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he also has a habit of finding people who are good listeners but not geniuses or especially manipulate and who have absolutely no context whatsoever, and dumping a bunch of his shit on them at once and just seeing how they react
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and he uses that to get new input/perspectives when he's been going in circles chewing on the same thing for too long
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sith-in-law this is what he has been doing with Wade BEE TEE DUBS
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it's absolutely an established pattern with him
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mysterysock also exactly what he WANTS to do with Juno, but like, moreso
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XII. The Hanged Man — Describe a time where your muse felt persecuted.
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Jedao felt very persecuted when everyone was mad at him for knocking out and tying up Odd Thomas
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also he's still just a TINY bit mad that Quentin told him to shut up when Jedao said that people were mad at him for going on a murder spree because they held him to higher standards than other inmates because he knows how to be a decent friend
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when basically everyone he asked about it later admitted that he was 100% right about that
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and it's like. fine. FINE. so he's in a league of his own. cool. sure. but don't pretend he isn't
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Dogma feels extra persecuted, I think, when people who outrank him tell him to knock it off/chill already
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You!!! are supposed!!! to be enforcing this!!!! you are supposed to reward him!!!!!
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XIX. The Sun — Describe a happy moment in your muse’s life.
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conversely I think some of his rare happy moments are the like three times someone has actually told him he did a good job being very precise about something
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like he probably holds a minor record in bomb disposal training because he is meticulous
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Jedao has lots of happy moments but I'm going to single out this
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when he wakes up and he's warm, and there's light even before he opens his eyes, and he's already tangled up in Fives' arms or smooshed against his chest while Q steals the covers, and he gets to realize all over again that he's not only not alone, not only loved, but that he's married and he gets to keep this
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that's the best moment
"Dogma feels extra persecuted, I think, when people who outrank him tell him to knock it off/chill already"

...I mean. BBY Vader agrees Dogma you might want to think about that
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He Will Not.
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...I mean. he's actually going into a weird manic phase when he starts game probably
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because if he's already killed a Jedi then NOTHING MATTERS HE'S BROKEN AND CRAZY!!! HE COULD DO ANYTHING!!!!
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WHAT WILL HE DO NEXT????? you don't know
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oh Dogma sweetheart
(Fives, pls sit on him)
HOPEFULLY I'll have Vaderkin's ready by March 1st so
speaking of, I feel like maybe we should fade the tdm so as not to have to rehash when you bring him in, since tdm threads aren't canon?
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it'll be a little different if I do get him in for the tail end of breach
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I'm trying to scour my inbox atm though so I'm good with that
this is true. I'ma try and put up breach posts today
tbh if Q heard that this was in fact true he would transition from yelling at Jedao to yelling at other people for being dumb and then apologize to him for being wrong
but he has also forgotten it in all the chaos
Howww about II and VI
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it's very important to Jedao that it be strictly one-on-one even if the one in question is largely random
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it quiets his paranoia to have fewer loose variables
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(also the one in question is not entirely random
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Jedao's feelings about religion are very nebulous and weird
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because he's never sure if the calendar counts
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but he's also never sure it doesn't count
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and so he sort of simultaneously thinks
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that gods are things people build, and you should be careful what you're building and keep them leashed better
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but also that real powers are out there, puppets or not, and they can eat you
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because the ninefox is a living thing in him, and sometimes he feeds it
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the idea of worship strikes him as...fundamentally an incorrect approach to any part of the world, but also one that he can at least intellectually understand as alluring
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but if he ever heard that rabbinic quote about how, when someone calls for help, "we must act as if there is no god, and help him yourself" it would hit him right between the eyes with a hammer
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because that's his whole thing
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if you see that something needs to be done you don't wait, you don't trust, you don't hope, you do something
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he sacrificed to Callisto's weird pagan gods with her in a very "hey, why not" kind of way, but he made real offerings
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anyway there's an alternate universe out there where Jedao is an atheist jewish convert
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but also if he got to know organized earth religion better he'd be very "oh FUCK that's a lot of major conceptual and emotional force multipliers in the hands of people who have absolutely no business controlling the,"
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VI. The Lovers — What’s your muses feelings about love?
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I don't think, weirdly, that Jedao thinks all that much about love
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any more than he thinks very much about air
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it's absolutely vital and it's a huge part of his experience but he doesn't often analyze it
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when he does he has a....not cynical, but
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the thing about Jedao is that part of him will always, always love Kujen
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so he is aware that love can be manufactured in the face of desperate cruelty with sufficient blunt operational conditioning
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and that this kind of love is no less palpable and tenacious as the healing and consensual kind
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Jedao thinks love - much like the potential divine - is very real and very powerful (and far more valuable) but not always trustworthy, and something to negotiate with carefully
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he goes around loving lots of people - but he doesn't let that control his behavior nearly as much as a sane person
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Jedao can and does deliberately hurt people he loves because no powerfully he feels about them, his feelings aren't the most important thing
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and he's improved that a lot on the barge, but there's still a - gap
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there's a place where that's a deliberate choice for him, to prioritize someone he absolutely madly adores
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where it wouldn't occur to someone else that that was a choice
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*no matter how powerfully he feels about them
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(the only real exceptions to this are Nico and Baby Jedao. his kids make him crazy. his kids are the only place he's surrendered to love as a compulsive driving force, rather than treasuring it as an experience to be grateful for and indulged in but never constrained by)
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and Jedao indulges in love a lot but - he could survive without it, and he very, very badly doesn't want to, but he knows he can
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(also like gods, love is something you have to feed, or else it dies)
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(and he will feed it, and he will fight for it. but he does not swear to obey.)
AS AN ASIDE wade has gone down a b u n c h of speculative rabbit holes during this convo with jedao then reined himself in
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HAHA one of them was
"do you want to graduate just so you can die"
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He did for his first like 3 months and then fell in love with Fives, who, perhaps more to the point, comes pre-packaged with a war to free a few million child soldiers from slavery
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See: Jedao copes by Having A Project
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look he WOULD die but the star wars universe is dumb and he needs to kick its ENTIRE ass
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and then he accidentally a loving family and they would be sad, so now he needs to figure out how to prescribe his own antidepressants or something