Pet care questions for the timeline.
My longtime vet sold her practice last year, and I'm not sure about the replacement.
During her last checkup she took Raven into the surgery for her booster shot instead of just doing it in the exam room. Is that something other cat owners see?
Yesterday I got an email reminder of a six month checkup that I don't think I made. Are two checkups a year normal for anyone else's cats?
Raven will be five later this year, so she isn't a senior cat on any scale I've ever seen.
My vet takes Samwise out of the little front exam room because he does better if I am not in the room. Ordinarily, they do everything in the room, in front of us, and I prefer it that way.
I don't know what SOP is for cats, but it is probably just the vet's choice. I'd think there is nothing they need to do that they can't do in front of you, and I'm more comfortable seeing what they are doing. I am sure you can ask that they keep Raven in the room with you.
My dogs only go in once a year for boosters (and other crap like the endless ear infection). I've never heard of every six months; that sounds like just a money maker and not cool.
I prefer to see what's going on, and do my own dog-holding most of the time. Sometimes taking them away to where other equipment is, or out of line of sight does work better, but it's not comfortable for me.
My well-pet plan includes two yearly checkups. Seems standard.