紐碼的筆記#巫術 書的內容: 對留有原始文明的臨海居民來說,海水的漲落同樣具有交感巫術的能力。他們認為海水的漲落帶動著人類的生命,人類在海水漲潮時出生,他們必消逝在退潮時分。 英國沿海地區與歐洲西南岸同樣有類似信仰。狄更斯在《David Copperfield》裡寫道: “People can't die, along the coast... except when the tide's pretty nigh out. They can't be born, unless it's pretty nigh in - not properly born, till flood...” “And, it being low water, he went out with the tide.” 下收)
英國沿海地區與歐洲西南岸同樣有類似信仰。狄更斯在《David Copperfield》裡寫道:
“People can't die, along the coast... except when the tide's pretty nigh out. They can't be born, unless it's pretty nigh in - not properly born, till flood...”
“And, it being low water, he went out with the tide.”
King Henry I am sorry又是來自《金枝》(The Golden Bough)哪想連金枝都還沒看完但是這篇文章確是在接近退潮的時候誕生的巫術真的很酷 期待更多
不要說這有點哀傷的事如果生在古代 我也許會認為是地表在緩慢的上升下降