Luke Skywanker
What do you do when you really need to veg out but you can't figure out what sounds good to watch? Ugh. It's like when nothing tastes good. You still need to eat.
if nothing sounds good to watch, I usually see if reading or playing a video game feels like what I want to do
Luke Skywanker
mmm that makes sense
barring that... spend ages bouncing around youtube
Luke Skywanker
can't do those while eating though
Luke Skywanker
Luke Skywanker
...I abuse curiosity stream
Luke Skywanker
My list of things to watch is like ten miles long
Luke Skywanker
why do none of them sound good
I feel like this goes here
Luke Skywanker
Luke Skywanker
I'm scrolling through the "about to leave Criterion" section
Luke Skywanker
I have never seen Alfie. I do not think I need to see Alfie, but it IS Michael Caine's breakout role, is it not? Perhaps that is worth at least checking in on.
Luke Skywanker
DryadGurrl : is this a cake or death joke or did it slide right by?
I mean, it might be? Definitely could be.
Luke Skywanker
I used to be into/able to endless rewatches but that's not my scene anymore.
Luke Skywanker
But yeah after food video games might be the ticket
Luke Skywanker
DryadGurrl : hahaha
Luke Skywanker
You know, I never did finish Black Mirror...
Luke Skywanker
oh man, I don't think it's just Netflix indecision. I think I'm in "no thinking allowed" mode. can't make decisions about shooting which I think means early bedtime.
Honestly, those are the times I listen to music or something.
i go to forensic files or the no sleep podcast