Zigzag Stampede
[The Magnus Archives] Episode 100 thoughts: I am totally just like Basira when trying to take an insurance claim from a customer.
weaver ♪
oh man, I just listened to that one again recently and yes
Zigzag Stampede
Just listening to her trying to keep the guy on track and going IT'S ME! 'DAT DARE IZ EE
weaver ♪
Basira is a whole customer service mood there
Zigzag Stampede
Just BARELY keeping the unamused annoyance out of my voice while gently trying to put them back in topic
Zigzag Stampede
While also letting them talk at least a little to see if they'll give me anything useful
Zigzag Stampede
Occasionally repeating back the abysmally small bit of information that they've given that is useful
Zigzag Stampede
And my soul dying a little inside while they can't take a hint
I love Episode 100.
It's such a beautiful trainwreck.
And all of those stories are legit supernatural encounters according to Jonny.
So, even better.
This is what happens when you don't have an Archivist.
Zigzag Stampede
Lol nice
Zigzag Stampede
You get the public as they really are
Zigzag Stampede
Zigzag Stampede
I had to stop for a moment because Basira was so painfully close to what I have to deal with everyday
Zigzag Stampede
Just replace stone circle with a lost phone.
weaver ♪
there was an interview where he was like 'we get people being sassy like "so is one of the Archivist's powers making everyone super eloquent" and the answer is yes, yes it is'
Zigzag Stampede
Me: yes I get you were walking your dog. But I asked you where was the phone the last time you had it. Was it in your pocket?
Customer: hmm, well, I think I had it when I was walking the dog because usually I like taking pictures.
Me: did you this time?
Customer: Maybe aa she was very cute rolling in the mud that day. She loves mud. I hate it because blah