So I am trying an RP game for the first time in literally years. So far it's very slow, which is very nice.
Today is my day off this week (Sunday/Monday this week, Sunday/Tuesday next, etc.) so I'm hoping for some tags.
that sounds fun. what game?
Discretion Advised We The Lost. It's a CRAU, only for refugees from other games.
nifty. I've given up on games for myself, I just don't have the attention span for them, so I live vicariously through everyone else I know in games :-)
I literally haven't been in one since 2014. I just. Need something because my job is killing me.
Beth said you didn't like your route, but I didn't realize it was that bad :-( I'm sorry to hear that. you guys can't catch a break with USPS
It's 840 deliveries. They want it done in 6 hours on the street, plus two in the office. I literally cannot do it. So they keep taking away the only part of the job that I actually like and giving that to other people to do in order to put me on the street faster and give me less help. I cry every day. I hate my job.
I know how that feels, unfortunately
I'm sorry. I wish nobody knew how it felt. Including me.
same. I'm very lucky in my current job but the last one toward the end definitely got to that point. if only "just find another job" were actually that easy, maybe the hell jobs would reevaluate
Yeah, seriously.
فك يو
hey, welcome to WTL! we are definitely a very chill, backtag-friendly game; i still have a couple threads from November that are chugging along
Thank you! I'm enjoying it so far. I've missed playing Roy, and yeah. Slow is my speed. If I have time for lunch I can get one tag in then, but mostly it's before 7am and after around 7pm for me.