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[stardew] it has begun, lads
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for those who missed it the first go around, you can follow the original saga of linnet here on my sideblog on that tag
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first few posts are of another character but then linnie just took over
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ilu wren but lin has become way more fun
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i'm still in the mod tinkering phase. i had to drop out custom walls and floors because its completely broken :[ so im using vanilla wallpapers and floors for now
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i also had to drop my UI mod down to the bottom of the load order since SVE was overriding it
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aside from those things and a couple of cosmetics (replacing my lamp retex, etc), i think i can be happy with this mod loadout
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i might kill for more get glam packs tho tbh but im sure those are in the works
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i only got lin to like... spring 4? before i stopped
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i havent had much interaction with the actual like, content of SVE. i'm digging the map changes so far though
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SVE also changes the "welcome to the farm" cutscene? and i actually really liked it, despite the awkwardness of "here, pick a dialogue option. btw you only have the one choice"
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but the maps! everything is pretty. i've more or less met the new npcs and sophia is definitely already my favorite
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any character whose introductory line is "eek! a stranger!" immediately has me hooked
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i'm a simple creature, what else can i say
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check how big the included (but optional) farm map for SVE is tho
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that screenshot actually includes like, three maps. you can see the bus stop, and then the part to the south of that is a separate map too
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yellow box is the main farm map
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i havent figured out yet how to get to those other spots in the bottom left
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i just went to compare linnet's current house to the ones i used before and whoops i forgot she was going to be more on the blue side of things, because pink was so heavily wren's thing and i wanted to give them separate aesthetics
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i should also adjust my seasonal buildings i think... at least the house...
ugh she's so cute. i love the hair & that skirt
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the skirt is from sailor styles, and the hair is alicedafox's hairstyles (the get glam update)