listeners trailer:
『LISTENERS リスナーズ』プロジェクトティザーPV
that all-star seiyuu cast!
this kinda looks like a sci-fi story~ definitely looking out for this~ xD
"Set in a world where the concept of music ceases to exist. the story begins when a boy encounters Myuu, a mysterious girl who possesses an audio input jack in her body. The two intermingle with the history of rock music and embark on an unforgettable journey."

Ok that's quite a journey there
the premise kinda similar to Caligula, with the same musical girl name μ (Miyuu)
xyph : oh! a rock-themed journey! +1 to reasons to watch! (p-rock)
Adila_R : ah, good point there. at least this one's set in the real world instead of some digital world. xD