A University of NSW student is in insolation at a Sydney hospital after test results confirmed she had contracted coronavirus after returning to Australia from Wuhan last week.
澳洲確診武漢肺炎第5例 武漢封城前末班機乘客 | 國際 | 中央社 CNA
Coronavirus: UNSW student confirmed as fifth Australian case
Daily Telegraph-40 minutes ago
NSW chief health officer Dr Kerry Chant praised the woman for following health advice and said staff have retraced the steps of every confirmed ...
Australia considers Wuhan evacuation
The North West Star-2 hours ago
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Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant said any child who had been in contact with a person confirmed as having novel coronavirus must not attend school or childcare for 14 days after the last contact with the infected person.

“Fourteen days represents the internationally recognised incubation period for the disease,” Dr Chant said.
“After this time the child is considered to be not be at risk of infection.”
This is what you need to know about coronavirus and ...
A fifth case of coronavirus in Australia has now been confirmed in a 21-year-old Chinese woman who returned from Wuhan.

All cases had travelled to Wuhan or had contact with a confirmed case in China.

Another six people are being tested in NSW, along with four in Western Australia.
a letter urging students who have visited Wuhan, come in close contact with people who have visited Wuhan, or travelled elsewhere in China and are exhibiting flu-like symptoms, to “remain in China, or self-isolate in Melbourne with their parents for two weeks from contact or date of arrival”.
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