So odd thing happened the other day and it started with a book
So I have to do a presentation on CBT to my class, sure, fine, good so far
One of my classmates has a book that was written by one of the guys that was involved in making it
Sweet, I asked if I could burrow it and, yeah, sure. Okay, nothing crazy so far
Next week rolls around, she gives me the book...looks at me strait in the eyes and goes "So, just to let ya know, ya goin to give me back da book yeah? If ya lose it or somethin, I will kick your ass in the middle of class right here"
0_0 okay....that's odd...
me:-oh, well, dont worry I'll keep your book safe...and should know, I have been doing krav maga(martial art) for a while now
she gets PUMMPPPEEDD and prompted challenges me to an arm wrestling match
me: sure, why not, You'll win though, so, don't get disappointed, Im a bit of a wimp...
and, question, is it possible to cheat in arm wresteling by using your legs? Cause my legs were crossed and I was trying to press down on them to keep going, and HOLY this chick was strong!
Bascially ends up in a tie, then we justs get talking about how I got into krav maga...and, then toward the end of it all go on a wholesome note of "Hey, look, I'm glad your better now then you were years ago, Come here Fam" Hug and go our seperate ways to other classes or w/e
It was also funny, cause she gives off this scrapper vibe like she fights ppl for breakfast, she NEVER actually fought anyone or really harmed anyone, though she WANTS to get into a fight, which I find a bit odd...and amusing
A thing we ended up saying "I don't know...look shit just HAPPENS to me okay?" XD
So that was just odd, started with a threat, which led to playful arm wrestling and then lead to a super wholesome conversation about being a bigger better person and be a force of good in the world
And it's just now I realized "Oh...that was actually quite a bit of a roller coaster" LOL