Cute Quinn
[fighting games] I don't go here but SFV's netcode has been fucked for four years and some guy fixed it in 2 days
Niamh Vibes
what the fuck
Cute Quinn
this is absoutely a case of management having completely fucked priorities
Cute Quinn
they know about this bug and someone marked it as Unimportant
Cute Quinn
it sounds like people have known where the issue is since the beta if I'm reading this right
Cute Quinn
which is buck wild
the one downside is that this is PC only, meaning cross-play becomes less viable, which also means that there's gonna be Problems with this patch thanks to "LET'S DO OLYMPIC ESPORTS" Capcom.
basically from all I've heard the FGC community is sort of just like 👀 at Capcom now, waiting to see if they choose to patch out the fanfix and silently admit their refusal to work on their netcode even with the answer half done already, or if they fix their netcode
Yeah this mod has actually totally fucked up the entire online experience for everybody
and has a bunch of technical problemsthat a real QA department would have caught before it went live
so we go back to my plurk yesterday of "any time you think there is a simple fix you are wrong", got it
To be clear, it hasn't fucked up the online experience because it doesn't work, because it mostly does
It's fucked up the online experience for everybody because if you don't have the mod, and you are playing against someone with the mod, your experience is v e r y b a d
For example, if you're playing on PS4, which cannot be modded
So all the PS4 players start turning off crossplay, which means that all the PC players, despite their improved netcode, now have way fewer people to play against, leading to massive matchmaking wait times
it's a mess
(and there are some other weird technical foibles, like sometimes modded vs modded matches will slow to a crawl and nobody knows what causes it)
Conclusion: This is both an example of terrible project management (because, shit, Capcom should have fixed this problem themselves years ago) and how fixing problems in a customer-facing codebase is never as simple as modders would lead you to believe
even if it's broke, don't fix it
(sadly I bet the reason why it didn't get fixed despite being identified as a problem in the beta is that it was identified as a problem by western game devs with experience working with rollback netcode, and in 2015 the entire list of Japanese devs with hands-on experience with rollback netcode consisted of 'the guys making the SFV netcode')
(and then after it launched there were way fewer coder and QA resources allocated for the game so the bug just went to the bottom of the pile, underneath a stack of work that would directly make the company money)
(See: how Marvel vs Capcom infinite had rollback netcode that actually was pretty damn good; the devs clearly know about the problem but aren't being given what they need to roll it backwards into SFV)
Axe Goth Real?
Yeah playing on an unmodded copy versus someone with a modded copy basically forces all the extra slowdown and rollback on you, from what little I've seen and gotten to poke at it. It basically makes the whole game feel terrible and on bad connections it's unreadable.
Aside from that fact, honestly, the fact that this was... at least partially solved with a quick fix someone put together is uh.
Equal parts remarkable and damning, one would say?
Axe Goth Real?
oh absolutely.
yeah, like. a slapdash no effort patch is "better", if not compatible.