Stereo Nacht
Double bah. I heard a strange noise last night. I went to investigate, and I found I had a plumbing part that had slightly split, causing a small spray of water to leak. (annoyed) But that wasn't the source of the noise, it had been so for a while. Nothing weird, I went to bed. This morning, I looked in the freezer. And I found the source of the noise.
Stereo Nacht
I had put a can of ginger ale for a quick cooling... And forgot it there. (doh) So half my freezer was spayed with frozen ginger ale. I cleaned most of it (I still have the door to clean, cause I have some beer mug there, that will need cleaning too, and I don't have the space on the counter right now.
Stereo Nacht
In better news, I made the other pizza:
Stereo Nacht
Next, I have to go shopping before work, for mom’s b-day gift; if I don’t see it, I have to contact sis-in-law so she can look on her side. Then hurry back to get a couple of hours of work on the clock.
Oooh. That pizza looks good.
Squeak =^..^=
Squeak =^..^=
or have Siri shout at you later.
Ohh, that's annoying! I always set a timer when I put a soda in the freezer, just to make sure that I don't forget. Sometimes I have a hard time remembering why I set an apparently random timer for half an hour, though. ;-)
Stereo Nacht
No, it's not the first time. I think I'll just drink my soda/pop/whathever at room temp instead. (blush)
Stereo Nacht
Also, I had totally forgotten that the second level weaving course started tonight. I got in late, cause having had no lunch, I took time to eat before leaving.