Luke Skywanker
[delivery life] I'm so fucking frustrated right now
Support: "lots of people fit more than 74 packages in their cars."
Luke Skywanker
warehouse: "you'll have to talk to support"
Luke Skywanker
so I stuffed everything in there. it's probably all broken and smashed and I have no idea how to FIND the individual bags I need to deliver since I couldn't keep up an organizing scheme
Luke Skywanker
AND it's raining so the bags are getting soggy
𝔸𝕝𝕓𝕖𝕣𝕥 𝕎𝕙𝕚𝕤𝕜𝕖𝕣
...oh dear.
thot crimes
grips ur shoulder.
Luke Skywanker
and my feet are now soaked, I didn't see that puddle
...74 packages?
I was wondering how you find the one that you need...
Luke Skywanker
so they've got little code words on the label the group them
Luke Skywanker
Luke Skywanker
so there's no way to match the code to the stop
Luke Skywanker
and now half are late
Luke Skywanker
this is bullshit I am not doing Fresh again
Cptn Old Spice
Holy Crap. I mean I love Amazon Fresh, it has helped greatly with the needing to eat but can't do a grocery store because of broken foot, but that is insane
Jesus what the fuck
Luke Skywanker
happily I am getting some empathy on Reddit
How can we not empathize? You need a U-Haul!
Luke Skywanker
oh no I mean from other Amazons
Luke Skywanker
everyone I spoke to at the warehouse was so dismissive
Many mistakes
omg this is bullshit
Luke Skywanker
we'll see if I get any tips /eyeroll
Cptn Old Spice
Do you not get tips? LIke....I tip everyone.
Luke Skywanker
Oh I usually do the kind that is just boxes, there's no tipping. but yeah, when I do Uber eats or Postmates, I probably get tipped like... 30% of the time?
Luke Skywanker
I think a lot of people who order food have no idea what tipping is.
thot crimes
whaaaaat, no
thot crimes
no when you order food you tip the driver!!
thot crimes
come on guys have you never ordered a pizza before
thot crimes
you tip every time, at least $3 or more if the order is big!
Luke Skywanker
Nope. Not here, anyway.
Luke Skywanker
Maybe it's something about like, coders or something, IDK
thot crimes
that's just impolite, pacnw
Luke Skywanker
What's funny is everyone tips in restaraunts, afaik, but we actually pay wait staff here
Cptn Old Spice
Yeah I am always 20%, holiday time or really good service is more
Luke Skywanker
update: got $60 in tips so customers are much nicer than Amazon staff
the fuck Amazon
Luke Skywanker
base pay for that block was $46.50