一向比較冷靜的Dan 都要崩潰了 Dan: I DID NOT LIKE THIS MOVIE watching these two films theres absolutely no way in my mind that these two movies could ever have in any way been intended to lead into another or to follow each other , they are completely opposite, they are diametrically opposed to each other
D: You gotta get the thing to get the thing to find the thing to find the guy to get the thing to go to the place << 目前我看過最精準的劇情形容 R: if you love the last jedi i can pretty much guarantee you will hate this movie R: JJ and rian are opposite filmmakers
一向比較冷靜的Dan 都要崩潰了
watching these two films theres absolutely no way in my mind that these two movies could ever have in any way been intended to lead into another or to follow each other , they are completely opposite, they are diametrically opposed to each other
R: if you love the last jedi i can pretty much guarantee you will hate this movie
R: JJ and rian are opposite filmmakers