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has any game series had as big of a jump in gameplay quality as Mass Effect 1 to Mass Effect 2
oh i'm scary
Metroid 2 to Super Metroid?
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oh that's a good one
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Metroid 2 is borderline unplayable
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and SM is one of the best games of all time
I don't know if I can count Zelda 1 to LTTP because there technically WAS a game between them
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on the other hand, Zelda 2 to LTTP
oh i'm scary
oh i'm scary
the first two Zeldas hold up a lot better than the first two Metroids
oh i'm scary
oh i'm scary
they're still an agonizing endurance test
Zelda 2, like Castlevania 2, has aged incredibly well but what aged was hugely divisive from the getgo
oh i'm scary
but in Metroid 1 you need an upgrade to be able to fight enemies that are shorter than you
Dangerous Chair
I am the lone human in the universe that preferred ME1.
vicious mockery
as someone who loves da2 - da2 to inquisition
Where Is Harkan
Dangerous Chair
: you may very well be
I am the only person besides Reg's Mom who liked ME1's open world elements but I still think ME2 improved on just about everything else.
Dangerous Chair
I don't say that ME1 was OBJECTIVELY better. but I did like basically everything better.
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lord knows I like some questionable shit
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so who am I to judge
Tales of Innocence > Tales of Vesperia is also a good candidate
MGS1 is a perfectly playable game but MGS2 really refined a lot of the gameplay elements
: I mean, Abyss > Vesperia is less marked so it's arguably a jump in quality due to refining systems as it is a jump in quality due to going from DS to PS3/XBox