Dowling pronounced his son and heir a prodigy and immediately went out and bought him a set of junior golf clubs in anticipation of the happy day when he would one day join his father on the greens. Harriet Dowling gave him the sideeye for a week.
“And there’s a story in Acts where Saint Paul gets bitten by a venomous snake, and he shakes the critter off into the fire. When he doesn’t die, that’s when people see he’s the real deal.”
“Or perhaps the snake wasn’t venomous at all,” said Harriet.
Crowley pointedly said nothing. She wasn’t venomous, although she was – thankfully – flame retardant.
16. Everyone was rather too busy getting out of the rain to unpack this statement.
Bet Quinn will know what it's called. XDDowling pronounced his son and heir a prodigy and immediately went out and bought him a set of junior golf clubs in anticipation of the happy day when he would one day join his father on the greens. Harriet Dowling gave him the sideeye for a week.
“And there’s a story in Acts where Saint Paul gets bitten by a venomous snake, and he shakes the critter off into the fire. When he doesn’t die, that’s when people see he’s the real deal.”
“Or perhaps the snake wasn’t venomous at all,” said Harriet.
Crowley pointedly said nothing. She wasn’t venomous, although she was – thankfully – flame retardant.
“I think,” said Crowley, with a feeling of mounting doom. “That we’re probably going to have to talk about it.”
Aziraphale fell silent for a moment. “That sounds rather drastic, dear.”
“Anyway, what were you doing in Paris in the thirties?”
“Absinthe,” said Aziraphale.