Hazard Kitten
[DQ11] Been playing this marathon-like and just [Act 2 spoilers]
Hazard Kitten
god, Sylvando's smile parade is the most wholesome thing
Sylvando is unexpectedly extremely good
Hazard Kitten
yeah, I love Sylvando
Hazard Kitten
though jesus the Catusoltol is my first game over
Hazard Kitten
did not expect that thing to hit so damn hard
Sylvando and Veronica both so easily could have been insufferable
but they're both amazing
Hazard Kitten
yeah, they both really could've been in the wrong hands
Hazard Kitten
like Sylvando could've been a very obnoxious stereotype, but he's just so genuine
and Veronica is just a fucking landmine of bad choices waiting to happen but instead she's just "short people are dangerous because they're closer to hell"
Hazard Kitten
Hazard Kitten
and she's never actively super dickish towards people unless they either seem to be idiots or they pissed her off, so she escaped the other writing pratfall
Bolt Vanderhuge
What I've seen of the game from what my girlfriend has showed me? Sylvando is actually charming??
Hazard Kitten
yep.. and Sylvando is absolutely charming af
Hazard Kitten
you can see why everyone adores him as a performer
Hazard Kitten
the campiness he has feels like a natural part of his character instead of an affection used for cheap jokes as you tend to see
Bolt Vanderhuge
Sylvando entirely owns who he is and is just incredibly confident in everything he does, and yeah, he's not used for cheap, easy jokes
Hazard Kitten
I got some guesses what his deal is, as DQ loves their cliches, but they tend to do those cliches quite well
Bolt Vanderhuge
And I loved Veronica for the same reasons y'all mentioned: she doesn't really hammer home the snark unless you've earned it
Hazard Kitten
and she's generally justified about the times she's peeved
Bolt Vanderhuge
And I appreciate that they used that to sometimes subvert obvious cliches of game design too
Hazard Kitten
and the other ugh pratfall Quinn mentions has been 100% averted
Hazard Kitten
Hazard Kitten
and I also appreciate even with a lot of reoccurring elements, it's not
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a horny series
Hazard Kitten
(the fanbase on the other hand eeeesh)
Bolt Vanderhuge
Fanbases will make just about anything horny
Bolt Vanderhuge
And yeah, any horniess DQ has is usually pretty tongue-in-cheek
Hazard Kitten
yeah, I found out about DB's "Puff puff" thing, and just 'oh I think I see where DQ got it and been constantly poking fun at it"
Hazard Kitten
I appreciate Rab's literature is like a very brief gag and not
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all his character, as Horny Old Men Who Get Away With It is perhaps my absolute least favorite anime/game joke
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and just 'yeah, Rab occasionally reads a dirty magazine, but he's not being weird or creepy about it'
Hazard Kitten
ikr? I snickered at that
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(funny thing is playboy had top-notch journalists, so yeah you could genuinely claim you read it for the articles)
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(so little double joke there)
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good lord that outfit
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ended Sylvando's and just started jade's
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boogy-woogy-woobags gag
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Healijah is adorable
Hazard Kitten
what are you Healijah?
god i need to get back to this game, it rules
Hazard Kitten
okay, also had two liquid metal slimes run form Erik, fuckers
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yeah, I have Erik get boomerangs, so he manages to get some damage on them but they didn't stay
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Hazard Kitten
he's huge
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'help I'm a fish'
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also a bit hard to take the gloominess of the scene when the hero's a doofy-looking fish
Hazard Kitten
also, two falcon swords, and dual wielding skill here
Hazard Kitten
Hazard Kitten
two falcon swords I just made into +3 versions
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given I got a pretty high crit rate going on now
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I think the extra chance to crit is worth it
Hazard Kitten
got the crit up node on,
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so I'm critting about every 2-3 hits
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!!! Sandy!
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Hazard Kitten
Hazard Kitten
"Lord Robert's achievements live in history"
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of being the worst disciple
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Hazard Kitten
and Hendrik never did meet Sylvando before, I just realized
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Hazard Kitten
oh my, Protag-kun's actually dancing
Hazard Kitten
and the clown suits
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I'm dying
Hazard Kitten
Hazard Kitten
god, Hendrik is just
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so unsure about all this but is trying since it makes the luminary happy
Hazard Kitten
he... just literally gave the boss shit