[Medical] can you fail a stress test? I think I failed the stress test
I didn't last five minutes on the treadmill before they stopped everything
(My heart wasn't going very fast yet at all, and I was really only mildly out of breath )
Holly Deer
You basically walk the treadmill until your heart rate reaches a set point or they detect problematic symptoms, like abnormally high or low blood pressure.
Holly Deer
I don't know what the rate was that they wanted to check, or if your blood pressure or heart rhythms were doing something odd, but. Shrug?
I mean I stumbled a little when they increased the speed, but I didn't fall (there were hand rails to brace against(
Holly Deer
that might have thrown a red flag to them
Maybe. Anyway I'm not feeling too great so I'm going to see if laying down helps
Hopefully it helps them figure out how to help you. Then it’d be the opposite of a fail