Alliance Forces: > Bizmo's Brawlpub > Silverwing Sentinels > Stormpike Guard > League of Arathor (Wrynn's Vanguard is exalted, due to a diligent application of gold)
With some Whee!, got about 8K points on Gadgetzan, and at least 4K on the rest of Steamwheedle. Those bonuses really add up fast! I'm Revered and progressing on the individual reps, but the Steamwheedle meta rep got stuck at 1 point to Revered on me [?!?].
over the weekend I got Exalted with the Rustbolt Resistance AND Magni's bunch on the same day. I had BOTH at 20500 or so at the end of one day, and the next day the Azerite Finders was the world-quest. Now I just need to do Mechagon at some point.
Steamwheedle Cartel:
> Booty Bay
> Everlook
> Gadgetzan
> Ratchet
> Bizmo's Brawlpub
> Silverwing Sentinels
> Stormpike Guard
> League of Arathor
(Wrynn's Vanguard is exalted, due to a diligent application of gold)
Frenzyheart Tribe
Avengers of Hyjal < halfway through revered
Shado-Pan Assault <Timewalking badges
Emperor Shaohao < Timewalking badges