Darth Imperious
I am finally home. The first thing I did (after changing certain clothes) was toss a load of clothes in the washing machine. Then I fed all of the cats. ...Including the one outside who comes around for food who screamed at me through the door for not having its food out.
Darth Imperious
Poor Carrie got to sit in the dark in the garage. I wonder if she thought we forgot about her. No light on, no three o'clock feeding... >_>
Darth Imperious
I saw an aunt for the second time since my cousin's (her daughter) funeral. (The other time I saw her being at great uncle Manny's funeral.) Renee's been gone for a few years. So. Good to see Aunt Teresa finally getting out of her house and doing things. Uncle Jim and Jason (the other of that aunt and uncle set's kids) were also there.
Darth Imperious
As was Aunt Mary Lou since it was her house (LOL), Mom's cousin Eric (one of Mary Lou and Manny's sons) and Aunt Diane.
that's all good