Zilla Fieri
Hey look, Rise of the Guardians is on tv!
...Oh no, Rise of the Guardians is on TV and it's gonna break my heart again
Zilla Fieri
I adore this movie, for the record
Zilla Fieri
it also has the best iteration of Santa Claus ever, fight me
Beep Beep
The books are also really good for kid books
Beep Beep
Making Santa be a Russian bandit before he became Santa is wonderful
Thx everybody!
Rise of the Guardians is so good
Zilla Fieri
Russian Santa is literally the best thing
Thx everybody!
North really hits that 'tough guy who's also a soft cinnamon roll' sweet spot
It’s such a cute movie I love it
This movie was amazing
Old Wolf Winter
who needs hearts when you have rise of the guardians
Thx everybody!
this is making me wanna do the 'making nesting dolls of my characters' thing again >>