But I'm just going with father: average soldier dude, died in combat mother: average woman dude, died to daemons Joined the army young because food. But, wasn't put into combat because young and he was talented with machines and crud. Emperor started programs for young soldiers to go to school for free or something
Which would make him directly benefit from the Emperor's policies. Although we also know pretty much nothing about what the Emperor did or how old he would be at this time... could always be one of the first things he did taking over for his father
But I figured something like that makes general sense for him given the troubles the Empire was having / we know daemons were around and multiplying / war / stuff
father: average soldier dude, died in combat
mother: average woman dude, died to daemons
Joined the army young because food. But, wasn't put into combat because young and he was talented with machines and crud.
Emperor started programs for young soldiers to go to school for free or something
2 seconds later
/start arguing