Him: Hey when you call out at 1:30 let's go get lunch at this local chicken place, my treat. Also Him: Actually I didn't go back to bed after dropping your mother off, let me take a nap until 3. Also Him: Okay I slept until 3:30 despite you waking me up repeatedly, give me a minute to do a few things and someone is coming by real quick.
"Isn't your dad also diabetic?" Yeah, but he's a sixty year old man so he eats far less, and typically my mom will make him something in the morning when she makes her breakfast, so my guess is he's eaten about half a pumpkin pie since 6am and is nice and cozy with his calorie bomb.
Also Him: Actually I didn't go back to bed after dropping your mother off, let me take a nap until 3.
Also Him: Okay I slept until 3:30 despite you waking me up repeatedly, give me a minute to do a few things and someone is coming by real quick.