-> He says they didn't want to work with Rudy, but were scared of losing the chance to help Ukraine at all so did their best (throwing him under the bus harder than Kilgrave)
The State Dept. National Security, and White House were all informed between May 23rd (lit. day after Mueller testimony) to September when the aid stopped being withheld
4th "As I testified to previously, Mr. Giuliani's requests were a quid pro quo for arranging a white house visit for President Zelinksy." David: Quid pro quo, very clear
"Still haven't to this day. In the absence of any credible reason for this suspension of aid, I came to believe that the resumption would not occur until there was a statement from Ukraine comitting to the investigations to the 2016 elections and Burisma, as Mr. Giuliani had demanded"
I mean that's kind of my point and while even Trump's judicial appointments have so far at least kind of leaned toward some semblance of the rule of law, I'm not sure how far that's going to extend
this is why you don't rely on a caste system of subservience ???? I genuinely don't understand the cultist mindset, I've been raised too much against it
It's like he was totally working as the shichibukai... then cheerfully replacing Joker, and throwing Doffy and EVERYONE under the bus :VVVVVV agent of chaos
IS the Republican defense that Trump is so thin-skinned and petty he makes HRC look benevolent and generous? That he's such a pathetic clown that he only ever works with people who literally suck his dick?????????????
Castor Oil: You testified Mr. Giuliani was acting on behalf of the President, but how do you KNOW that? Who told you that? Sondland: Well, when the President says "talk to my personal attourney" and then Mr. Giuliani, as his personal attourney, makes certain requests or demands, we assume it's coming from the President
"On Sept 9th [the day the whistleblower report was handed over to Congress] you had a conversation with the President, and what did he say to you?" dog
David: "Castor looks genuinely confused by his own line of questioning. I think he's mixing up page numbers and doesn't know where he's going with this"
don't forget, the only reason there wasn't an ambassador was because Trump fired her and then is so stupid he had a special envoy ambassador (Volker), military advisor, and the UN ambassador
which between last night's "we weren't in the loop!!!!!" and now Sondland all "EVERYONE WAS IN THE LOOP. ALL YA'LL. THERE ARE NO INNOCENTS, THIS IS POLITICS AND IT'S DIRTY"
he explains the reason he mentions he can't remember all the times he talked to which president when about what is because that's literally all he does 24/7 all over the EU etc.
Just imagine someone trying to backstab Buggy only to be blown up in the most sparkly fantastic flashy way ever and everyone just stood around and applauded
nope not happening instead Goldman is like "Actually run over Mulvaney once more for good measure" and Sondland was like "that's what I'm here for!" and then Goldman LITERALLY PULLED UP AN EMAIL LIST OF NAMES FOR PEOPLE TO BE RUN OVER lkjsadlkjasldkajsldkjasdklajs
"Are you aware that Brian was subpoenad and refused to come testify?" just lining up bodies here for you Buggy. Sondland: /shrug! Goldman: "And Mulvaney was also subpoena'd and refused" Sondland: I did read that!
what do you even do as a Republican at this point?!!?!? This isn't even war for reality this is just "I made a coke deal with the Joker and somehow it didn't go well" like
moosechangerpat I don't need you to tell me he's Buggy anymore, but you should watch because if you thought last week was good, this one? THIS ONE IS THE BEST.
like 1) Republicans failed hard with Volker even though he was like mostly trying to protect himself, still trying to protect Trump just like "he is a big dumb innocent baby misled by bad guys uwu"
like literally NO ONE defends Rudy -- well no I think Castor oil tried a couple of times to be like "the best mayor!! America's favorite!!!" and everyone was like "sure dude "
David: Quid pro quo, very clear
or is it"Yup!"
"Nunes looked despondent!"
"Impeach the cow-fucker too"
Sondland: Well, when the President says "talk to my personal attourney" and then Mr. Giuliani, as his personal attourney, makes certain requests or demands, we assume it's coming from the President
Sondland: /shrug!
Goldman: "And Mulvaney was also subpoena'd and refused"
Sondland: I did read that!
CC: beep beep vroom vroom
Sondland: I think they would!! :3