duck bastard
[uspol/work] slowly narrows eyes....
duck bastard
when you're not sure if your coworker is understandably tired of Politic Hell or has some Wrong opinions
duck bastard
she was like "yeah i turned on the tv and there was that impeachment crap so i watched dancing with the stars instead"
duck bastard
like. listen. i can understand being So Worn Down by news. a lot is happening
duck bastard
but also do you think that motherfucker did nothing wrong.....
duck bastard
i didn't ask because the conversation moved on and also i feel like i would physically fight her depending on the answer, but
tbf I did the same thing but that was because it was nunes going on about the corrupt dems trying to undo the election by spreading conspiracy theories to their evil media sympathizers
duck bastard
oh yeah like i can get that! but i can't tell in this fucking backwater hell
g o d
holds your hand in solidarity
go тo вread
same but npr
go тo вread
i'm so Tired
duck bastard