This HD lips UV map is killing me :| Even the alpha that came with the dev kit is weird...
Which one are you working with?
Catwa, but I found it doesn't stretch nearly as weird on my actual head so I think it's just the dummy tester head that's odd
Waait, I have missed this totally. Are we doing add-on lips again? Whyyyyy?
a bunch of the bento heads have higher resolution applier layers with a different uv map. logo, akeruka, catwa and genus are the ones i know of. catwa's is a separate attachment, but everyone else is built in i think
we're not going back to alien looking things like nyam nyam don't worry
oh! depending which catwa head you are using, the tester head might be different than the one you wear on your head normally. she changed the rigging on some heads but never updated the dev kit testers! I can link you my method for testing local textures on any type of mesh head tho, I've been using it for catwa for a few years, it's way better than testers
although now that I'm saying it, I'm like, duh, it won't work on HD lips. still, I just take a copy of the tester and wear it on my avatar and that does the trick
: Ah! That makes more sense. I knew about the Logo ones, but didn't realise they had a different uv map.