lime skittle
[tarot] yooo
lime skittle
Looks like that job change is sooner rather than later
lime skittle
How's that for a full moon reading WeiWuxian
gas giant
gas giant
gas giant
that gives me the cold sweats just lookin at it
lime skittle
This deck does not play
lime skittle
They didn't give me enough hours at work so they're bumping me down to part time and taking away paid time off and insurance so I'm out for sure it's just a matter of deciding if I want to finish out the year at this job or not
lime skittle
Last night I decided I would quit trying to control everything and have more trust in the universe well here we go
gas giant
YEAH it has a chariot all ready and waiting for that trip to the new job
lime skittle
Here I was thinking I had something stable and along comes the demolition crew to make way for something better
nyoom, u outta thurr
this time of year it'd be easy to nab a temp job while you look for a better one
lime skittle
Interesting update... I went to put the deck back in the box and found a card in there that hadn't been pulled out with the rest. Hm.
lime skittle