It's time to go public with the RP setting I've been working on off and on for the last month. The purpose of this plurk is to gauge interest, and answer questions. Replurks are welcome and I will get to answering when I have some time (things are still hectic), but all suggestions are welcome!
Google doc with game info:
Signature City
Also, this is my personal plurk, and answers will be coming from this one.
A couple things I'm sure will be asked, I'm not sure if this is going to be a jamjar type thing, or a full fledged game just yet. Honestly that depends on interest, and a bunch of other factors.
Also, the plan is to get the comm up and running by the end of the year. This is my first time doing anything like this, so I'm sure there will be complications, and I'll attempt to keep things updated as things progress.
Also, everything in here is subject to change, as I figure out what works and what doesn't. Broad strokes will likely stay the same, but otherwise things are still very much malleable
yeah and exploring themes and settings
Yeah, exploration and mixmatching settings/elements are a big thing I want to do with this
Originally the idea was to make little pocket rooms that basically allowed characters with needs/abilities directly tied to some aspect of their world - i.e. the RWBY characters using Dust to fuel their tech - a way to restock and not feel too much like they have to ration that sort of thing
Then I basically went "screw it" and made it a core focus after realizing the potential
Queen Bun
Oh wow this looks really interesting! I love the stated idea of characters leaving their 'mark' on the world.
Queen Bun
it feels a little like a nexus world setting almost even if it might become a jamjar
Queen Bun
honestly it's a setting idea I'd be willing to try out as a full game or as a setting
:-D Good to hear! The idea actually came to me as I was messing around in Monster Hunter and seeing people make characters from other stuff re-imagined in that world and I was like "...what if I built the game around that idea?"
Also, Cri has been a HUGE help in the planning/building. So major thanks to her.
Probably should've said that earlier
there's still a lot of detail to iron out but it's coming along great
You can consider me interested!
Also interested!!
I'm interested!
This sounds really cool! I'm interested!
GW Wolf
Looks like fun!
this looks really interesting!
Becca Stareyes
This looks very cool
muppets ADVENTO
This looks really interesting. What sorts of characters were you thinking of allowing? In terms of canon, crau, various oc types, etc.?
The only thing I'm going to shy away from - for now at least - are straight AU characters. OC, and CRAU stuff is more than welcome!
I've been looking for a new game and this seems like a good one to try and get in on the ground floor of. Colour me interested.
Beep Beep
This seems like a fun idea considering how some canons their settings can just be as fun for other canons to interact with as their characters
I've already got a handful of canon settings that would likely go unused as nobody seems to play from them. Stuff like Monster Hunter, or other create-a-character fueled settings to kind of add some spice to things early on.
Beep Beep
oh regarding such are such going to be allowed? Like if you play a character from say Final Fantasy XIV or Mass Effect and is it only going to be just one from said setting if they have like multiple "personalities" like how Shepard can be Good boy or Chaotic Evil?
FF14 characters I don't see a problem with letting everyone in with. Shepard falls into a sort of gray area though. I'm not entirely sure how I'd handle it, but I'd probably lean toward counting Shepard as a unique character.
Like, to use another example, I can see letting multiple Wardens from Dragon Age in, while there can only be one Hawke
After a lot of hashing out stuff last night with BloodCri we have a rough sketch of what the setting will look like.
What is visible here is essentially half of the setting, set upon a massive top that spins within the roots of the tree at the center of the city
The tree itself doesn't turn, but rather everything turns around it, with details on the broken spire extending above the tree to be part of the game's mysteries.
we'll need to get better art done