rlly good brain
rlly good brain
Some standard "second episode set-up/game setting" stuff going on here.
Snarky Geek
rlly good brain
I loved "Political Activist Guy" (did they give him a name? I couldn't find him in the credits XDXD )
Snarky Geek
It was Forest I beieve
rlly good brain
Forest! Okay. XDXD And they're called the Happy Huntsmen or something which...CRWBY...plz.
I love him just going on and jumping
rlly good brain
Merry Men = Happy Huntsmen
Snarky Geek
At least we know for sure that Robin is RObun!
rlly good brain
stallion Him jumping up and continuing to rant while the officers closed the window on him was too real.
Snarky Geek
Snarky Geek
Stillw aiting on fox features RT. STILL WAITING
rlly good brain
Yep! Definitely confirmed for some Robin Hood fun.
Snarky Geek
Qrow onna gt in trouble with some hot, badass warrior women!
Also him lurking behind everyone when they left
rlly good brain
Which, on the other side of the fence I'm....pretty sure the Ace-Ops are all supposed to refer to assorted Aesops but I haven't yet figured out which ones.
rlly good brain
stallion ROFL, him like, "...Can I...also be let off here...?"
Snarky Geek
Clover is base don one involving a fisherman
"Pretty please? Jail is so boring"
Snarky Geek
Apparently there's a LOT of Aesop fables with wolves, but best guess rn is The Boy WHo Cried Wold
Snarky Geek
And the pink-eyed girl I think is probably based on Tortous and the Hare
rlly good brain
Snarky Geek Ooo! Okay. And rofl yeah there's any number of wolf-related Aesops. XDXD I've also seen "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing" tossed around for him.
Snarky Geek
Still not sure about Buff GIrl and the pale guy
rlly good brain
With "sheep" meaning like...the social kind of sheep.
rlly good brain
Buff Girl's name was Elm and the pale guy's name was Vine, I think? So...something dealing with trees and vines. Was there an Aesop about acorns? I feel like there was.
Snarky Geek
I say that because of how he was bluffing in the episode about being unhappy about working with RWBYJNRO, but it could be either
Snarky Geek
Also, Elm is voiced by the same VA who did Ren's mom
rlly good brain
Either way, I'm excited to see more of them. Elm is Pure.
Snarky Geek
I'm readyd for Hammer vs Hammer with her and Nora
rlly good brain
I want them to be Hammer Bros, but girls. XDXD
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rlly good brain
Snarky Geek
Okay,s ot here IS an Aesop fable called THe Elm and the Vine
rlly good brain
Nora getting progressively more and more aggressive in her attempts to chew herself free had me dying.
Snarky Geek
Nora is me with food pacages that I can't get open
rlly good brain
Snarky Geek AHA. Okay, that's bound to be it then.
rlly good brain
XDXDXD I can already see screenshots of those scenes getting meme'd to heck and back and I can't wait.
rlly good brain
And okay, so there's some SUPER interesting stuff going on in the scene between Team Atlas and Team RWBYORNJ (+ Qrow)
Awww and the fable's about married love too~
rlly good brain
(Also can I just detour to laugh at Maria just, "Meh"-ing out of that particular mess, like "Lol, I don't know these people/they'll be able to get themselves out of this. We'll catch up later." )
rlly good brain
𝓟𝓢𝓛☕📔𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼 Oh no that's cute! I'm gonna have to brush up on my Aesops. I used to love those a lot.
Snarky Geek
("You whipersnapers are too much to keep up with! I ain't getting into this!")
Snarky Geek
(/wwaves scythe cane int he air/)
Yeah~ Wikipedia says this one's not quite Aesop, just Latin, but it's still cute.
rlly good brain
(Maria "I definitely have a record with the Atlas police and jail makes my arthritis act up" Calavera )
Snarky Geek
...well, not being entirely Aesop helps th eone of them's a traitor' theory
Snarky Geek
(Maria: /arrive sin Atlas/
Atlas Security: ?deep, slow sigh of resignation/)
rlly good brain
But YEAH, now...I love Ironwood, and I totally get where he's coming from. Because not telling people stuff is what got us into this mess in the first place.
rlly good brain
BUT, I'm also reminded of that quote from Men In Black. "A Person is smart. People are dumb, panicky animals."
Y U P.
Snarky Geek
Ironwood's plan makes logical sense... but has SO MANY problems that it's going to b4 playing right into Watts' hands
Snarky Geek
...watever he's up to. But it's not going to be good things
rlly good brain
It's 100% a coinflip. It could either play out exactly like he wants or it'll make Salem's job even easier.
rlly good brain
Now, the real problem is, is that Ironwood's plan to deal with the fallout through the Amity Arena satellite is great? BUT A HUGE PROBLEM WHEN YOU HAVE A VILLAIN THAT'S ALREADY HAXXED YOU ONCE.
Snarky Geek
Welle ither way, ti's gonna cause mass panic. And IDC what they said, they are NOT gonna be ready, especiallyw ith the issues in Mantle
rlly good brain
Amity Arena was already hacked once as was a CCT Tower (both by Cinder, presumably using something Watts had created).
Snarky Geek
ANd yeah. Especiallys icne they didn't bother updating the code for Mantle. That is... bad.
rlly good brain
So putting them both together just sounds like...a terrible idea? 8'D
Snarky Geek
Also... ave they considered that Penny could get hacked? AT ALL?!!!
rlly good brain
I'm sensing a lot of "coders/programming woes" from the dialogue they gave Watts and I'm cracking up because it's true.
rlly good brain
It'll be funny if 2 of the things people thought were going to happen in Volume 3 (Amity Arena dropping out of the sky and Penny going rogue) happen in Volume 7.
rlly good brain
It's like, "Rofl, you guys pegged it, just like...4 seasons too early."
Snarky Geek
"See? We were just holding it back! WE ARE THAT EVIL!"
rlly good brain
Snarky Geek
Oh and Kerry confirmed that this episode was written by Kirsei Buckhart, one of the new ones. She did awesome
Snarky Geek
Connor Pickens directed it
rlly good brain
The real shame is that all of Ironwood's ideas are completely sound. Heck, the Amity Arena satellite is brilliant! It's just...we, the audience also know Salem's got an ace here so it's a race to see who figures out what first.
rlly good brain
Oh, she did? Yeah, she definitely did a great job! Set-up episodes are tough!
Snarky Geek
Yep. And RUby making the decision to keep the lie up is NOT gonna help
rlly good brain
rlly good brain
She just said, "This is what Ozpin told us". Which...that is exactly what Ozpin told them.
Snarky Geek
Yeah... but she KNOWS that it's a lie
Snarky Geek
So... that's still bad...
Snarky Geek
Which I'm glad cause dealing with super hard choices like this si what I've been wanting form Ruby for FOREVER and it's FINALLY happening
rlly good brain
So yeah, lying by omission is still a lie but I'm also more intrigued by how she covered for Oscar...and Ozpin actually by extension.
Snarky Geek
I think she did it becaue with Ironwood's currnt state... welll... the new that Slaem can't get destroyed is... going to be bad
rlly good brain
Because, "Yeah, Ozpin lied to all of us and it turns out he's just been stalling for time and now he's sulking inside Oscar and won't talk to us," sounds terrible. XD
Snarky Geek
IDK if she was relaly coveirng for Oscar/Oz aside form worrying it might lead to another 'Oscar gets manhandled' situaiton, or if she just made a split seocnd decision
Snarky Geek
Either way... yeah... that's gonna bite them later, haha...
rlly good brain
Could be a little of column A a little of column B for sure.
Snarky Geek
True. Either way, drama!
I'm kinda worried about the comment about Winter Maiden
"stable and secured"
rlly good brain
To be fair though, thinking about it the Relic of Knowledge, unless it has some sort of hidden additional power? Is sort of a non-player in this. There's only one question left, and unless Ironwood knows like...THE perfect question to ask Jinn, there's not much use in telling him there's a question left other than it getting used on something dumb.
rlly good brain
I mean, we all know Ironwood's question would be like, "How do we destroy Salem?" and he'd get the same answer Oz did and then Jinn's out for 100 years. XDXD
Snarky Geek
rlly good brain
Snarky Geek FREE. NORA. /bangs hands on table
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rlly good brain
Which is sad, but also nice because lately most of the Maidens seem to...not...be making it past their teen years which is a Problem?
Snarky Geek
There's already a theory that the WInter Maiden might be either Weiss' mom (which I doubt cause IDT she's THAT old) or Nora's grandma
rlly good brain
So at least it's nice confirmation that you can be a Maiden and not die young! 8'D
Snarky Geek
Well tbf we don't know how old AMber was. Though she was probably i her early 20s at leat
rlly good brain
Snarky Geek Yeah, Nora's grandma seems more likely if this Maiden is at all related to any of the group but it could just as easily be someone totally uninvolved.
Snarky Geek
Maybe it's... Weiss' grnadma! MRS. CLAUS!
rlly good brain
Qrow stated that Amber was "young and inexperienced" which...yeah, I'd say she was probably fresh out of school at the oldest, assuming she went to any of the Huntress academies (she may not have which would...also explain some things).
rlly good brain
But I'd count dying in your "early 20s" as still...not good. XD;
rlly good brain
And we know Spring got screwed over hard so it's like...Welp.
rlly good brain
fjkdjsk Mrs. Claus for Winter Maiden though
rlly good brain
They could also do something very clever where it's a new character based on the original version of The Snow Queen?
rlly good brain
Because that Snow Queen had existed for like...eons and, if I remember correctly, was living only because of an enchanted piece of ice mirror that had frozen her heart so like...yeah.
rlly good brain
Mrs. Claus as the Winter Maiden cracks me up though, I'd love that.
Ah, not quite, but I do like the idea of Snow Queen homage.
Snarky Geek
THe only thing that makes me hesitat about that si I'm almost positive that Mama Schnee is probably gonna be the Snow Queen character. But I could be wron
(Basically, the devil made a mirror made of hate vision, it ended up breaking and shards being scattered across the world, with two shards ending up in one boy's eye and heart, so he stopped listening to warnings about the unaffiliated Snow Queen, so she kidnapped for her latest pet.)
The Snow Queen actually doesn't end up defeated. The boy's friend ends up curing him and whisking him away when the Snow Queen leaves him in her palace and she goes out to spread winter.
Still, tons of elements from that story alone that they could use.
rlly good brain
𝓟𝓢𝓛☕📔𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼 Ah! Okay. I had a version of that story where the girl goes to the palace and the Snow Queen is there (and her friend is kinda just...freezing to death at her feet lol) and she pleads with the Snow Queen or something and that melts the shard in her heart and she...melts away or something. Wow, I will need to find that adaptation.
Ooooh that is an interesting one.
rlly good brain
It was a Children's Version of the story so I'm not surprised it was toned down a bit, but still cool and sweet! ^_^
Wait... was it an episode or a full movie? And if the former, was Eartha Kitt the Snow Queen?
Snarky Geek
The version Mew described was the verison I knew about also. I NEVER heard of the one you described LWP
Snarky Geek
And I only knew about it form Wikipedia
rlly good brain
𝓟𝓢𝓛☕📔𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼 Oh, shoot um...it was...a short film??? I think?
rlly good brain
I remember it was animated but like...storybook style animated. Where the motion was limited and there were a lot of cross-fades from one pose to the next.
Oh yeah, the original text is a wild ride: SurLaLune Fairy Tales: The Annotated Snow Queen It's a bit of a long read too, but yeah, here's the text with annotations.
Snarky Geek
Did the verison you saw Mew look like this? https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/46/1960_-_Earle_Theater_Ad_-_24_Aug_MC_-_Allentown_PA.jpg/220px-1960_-_Earle_Theater_Ad_-_24_Aug_MC_-_Allentown_PA.jpg
rlly good brain
Snarky Geek Nah, this would have been the 90s? I wanna say it was on PBS or something. That version looks a little too old.
rlly good brain
rlly good brain
rlly good brain
Snarky Geek
Ah, okay!
pastel ranma
I think in a way Ruby's protecting Ironwood too. The man's dealing with enough already and obviously still respects Ozpin a great deal. Crushing all that on top of telling him that Salem is immortal?
rlly good brain
I'll have to try to find a copy of that and re-watch it, I'd love to know how much I actually remembered and how much I "remember".
Snarky Geek
"I'm trying to do what's best, but what's best might not be what's right"
rlly good brain
pastel ranma Oh gosh, yeah, that's a good point. I also think this is absolutely a case of Ruby just...giving herself a chance to really get a feel for what's going on?
rlly good brain
Like it's all well and good that Ironwood was straight-forward with them (so far as they know) but there's obviously a Lot going on in Atlas/Mantle and it seems really unfair to just expect Ruby to put all her cards on the table while under duress.
Snarky Geek
Plus she's only been the leader of this larger group for like... 24 hours in-show? Yeah, she's not going to maje the most perfect choice ever
Snarky Geek
...god no wonder Nora fele aslepe whiel walking. THESE KIDS HAD A LONG DAY
rlly good brain
There's also nothing preventing Ruby from telling him the truth about Salem/Oz/the Relic of Knowledge later or if the situation calls for it, and that's no doubt what she'd do that if it was necessary.
rlly good brain
It's not like...just because she with-held it here she can't tell him later and be like, "Hey, I'm sorry I didn't mention this earlier but I was kinda over-whelmed and wanted to check things out for myself."
Snarky Geek
I thinkt hat's the problem though. If RUby DES do the right ting and tell the truth... si that the best thing? Or is that going to cause Ironwood to go uttery nuts and cause even MORE problems? Caus ein his state, IDT hes going to jus tbe okay with evne a lie of omisison
....... Also, I just had a sad-ish thought. If Penny joins the mega-group more permanently... we could technically have a JNPR again...
Snarky Geek
True, But it kidna loosk liek they're putting Oscar int hat slot?
rlly good brain
ROFL oh no, yeah, I think in this case, this was safest for a ton of reasons. XD It's just that she can tell him later if need be and Ironwood "should" be able to understand why a 17 year old would do that. XDXD not whether he actually will
That is true, P for Pine.
Snarky Geek
...or we just add both and get Team JNPPR
rlly good brain
𝓟𝓢𝓛☕📔𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼 Depending on what happens in Atlas, Penny might be desperately needed there but I WOULD LOVE TO HAVE PENNY JOIN THEM.
rlly good brain
She is the Purest. Penny for Winter Maiden.
Snarky Geek
Someone protect Pietro
rlly good brain
YEAH. Now Pietro I am Concerned about.
Snarky Geek
...oactually protect Penny cause WATTS HACKING COULD EB A THIGN
Snarky Geek
Especially fi they still have those files that Cinder unlocked
rlly good brain
But could also be a great set-up for Penny fighting off that influence because she's a Person and not a Machine. 8'D
rlly good brain
Because I am Here For That.
Snarky Geek
Yeah, but PAIN
rlly good brain
Snarky Geek
Especially if she gets set aganst Ruby
rlly good brain
I mean, but of course!
Snarky Geek
Like... CRWBY... pleae no... I know you willm, but DENIAL
rlly good brain
"I am not a gun."
rlly good brain
Snarky Geek
Snarky Geek
Well... maybe he have slf-repair this time?
Snarky Geek
rlly good brain
rlly good brain
Being self-repairing/self-reassembling would definitely qualify as "Better".
rlly good brain
fjskdjsk Penny just pulls a Goddard.
rlly good brain
She explodes and everybody's like D: and then she just spontaneously reassembles and everybody's like, "...Oh."
Snarky Geek
Me to CRWBY: https://imgs.plurk.com/QwD/2WM/r7xmGiF2gCOH89F8LmuwLMYztG1_lg.gif
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rlly good brain
https://66.media.tumblr.com/87fe23a585c9df7665a87e860f00009d/f4ba696bfbfa20cf-b2/s540x810/b6f0875d89e95fd083248d28dd42d59877cd9795.gifv https://66.media.tumblr.com/f0b5e5df044fef91895f994fba9cf0e4/f4ba696bfbfa20cf-55/s540x810/833207cdeaadfb54e08f098d7223b7f26089818d.gifv
rlly good brain
Snarky Geek
And the shippers go wild!
rlly good brain
You have Qrow "only my nieces have ever hugged me" Branwen and James "Winter Schnee taught me about this great new thing called Hugging" Ironwood.
Snarky Geek
V3: FIght! Fight!
V7: Kiss! Kiss!
rlly good brain
It's so dumb and awkward and I love it.
rlly good brain
Qrow's little eyeroll and "pat pat" I'm dying
Snarky Geek
Lets hope that Ironwood didn't bug him here
rlly good brain
THAT WOULD BE SO MEAN, but also kinda funny XDXD
rlly good brain
Also MVP award goes to Weiss "Hugging Master" Schnee
rlly good brain
Snarky Geek
I challange that with Winter "You ahve ten seconds to take thos eoff before I start hurting you" Schnee
rlly good brain
I really love the dynamic of showing how Yang and Ruby are siblings who love each other and Weiss and Winter are also siblings who love each other and they both show each other that in different ways and understand that and it's Okay.
rlly good brain
rlly good brain
Bless Winter.
Snarky Geek
Lets hope that any potential Ironwood conflicts isn't going to mess that up!
𝖙𝖔𝖕 𝖉𝖔𝖌❄️
qrow lowkey loving hugs is my favorite
rlly good brain
Rofl yeah. I will say though that, when push comes to shove, I think Winter would side with Weiss over Ironwood. Or at least, not side with something that would put Weiss in danger/harm's way.
rlly good brain
So even if they end up on different sides of any oncoming conflict in an idealistic sense? The minute Weiss is in danger, Winter'd help her because like...she does love her??
rlly good brain
𝖙𝖔𝖕 𝖉𝖔𝖌❄️ More people should hug Qrow.
𝖙𝖔𝖕 𝖉𝖔𝖌❄️
thanks he hates it!! (not really)
Snarky Geek
Yeah IDT that Winter would ever hurt Weiss. But even WInter just siding with Ironwood over her... well... that's gonna hurt. A lot
rlly good brain
Rofl, yeah, definitely. But I also think that'll be a good conflict to look at. A conflict of ideals but with two people who genuinely love each other. That's a pretty contemporary issue. /nods
Snarky Geek
For sure!
Snarky Geek
Very elast, it'll probaby end better than it did with Yang and Trash Mom
rlly good brain
YEP. 8'D
rlly good brain
Oh also shout-out to Tyrian casually murdering somebody while on a call. What a multi-tasker.