The Write Stuff
[Writing/OCs] I've been struggling with my writing projects for a while now, but I had this crazy idea at work tonight that would radically change a character and the entire book, but... I think I kinda like it...?
The Write Stuff
To give a little bit of detail here... Owen, the main character in my book, is a shapeshifter
The Write Stuff
He's kinda fallen in with his sister and best friend as a thief and con artist as the story begins, using his Gifts for little more than petty theft and vindictive little moments.
The Write Stuff
Vindictive how? The first scene actually has Owen seeing someone bully a kid, so he both picks his pocket and assumes his identity, spending all of his money and maxing out his credit cards.
The Write Stuff
Anyway.. one part of this story is that every Gift comes with consequences.
The Write Stuff
Healers relive the memories and pain associated with injuries, any vision a Seer has always ends with the moment of their death, etc.
The Write Stuff
With Owen, he's always has two limitations: He has to eat a LOT of food to get the energy to shift, and he's got a psychological block where he can't morph away his scars.
The Write Stuff
Which... admittedly, isn't that big of a deal if you come down to it.
The Write Stuff
But randomly at work I got an idea... what if taking someone's identity was more than just assuming their physical appearance after making contact with them?
The Write Stuff
Like... little fragments of their personality and memories get jumbled up with Owen's.
The Write Stuff
There's a really cool Twilight Zone episode from the 90s where an older man is short on money and sells his memories to a local business that then gives them to other people.
The Write Stuff
At the end of the story, one of his most precious memories is taken away, and the man pulls out a gun and demands it back. For some reason, it can't be filtered back...
The Write Stuff
So he gets ALL of the memories in the system.
The Write Stuff
And I thought that might be an interesting idea to play with... what if you weren't ever completely sure which memories were yours?
The Write Stuff
And there's a theme to the whole story about accepting who you are and finding your own identity, and that aspect to his powers would play really strongly into that.
The Write Stuff
But it would also require changing a lot of the story, and Owen's character would be radically different.
The Write Stuff
So... I dunno. It's an idea, I guess.
it's a neat idea!