Luke Skywanker
[ meme ] s word Sunday for SUFFERING
5, 6, 35, for Luke!
Luke Skywanker
mistyday: ooh nice
Luke Skywanker
5. List 3 fears; one “surface level” fear, one “repressed” fear, and one “deep dark” fear.
Luke Skywanker
Dang. Ok. I think the deep dark one is that he'll end up like his father, that there's something in him that is going to turn.
Luke Skywanker
Repressed... that nothing he's done actually matters and Anakin wasn't saved so that's beyond "I'm going to go bad" and into "none of that was actually correct"
Luke Skywanker
Surface? That he'll be alone.
Luke Skywanker
So basically all of those are pretty dark and not superficial but like, we see little evidence that Luke has a fear response to most normal danger.
Luke Skywanker
.What is something that never fails to make them feel sick?
Luke Skywanker
I just had the absurd idea that while he's totally used to flying, Luke gets seasick, which probably doesn't make any sense but might be funny.
Luke Skywanker
I mean, to me, not him obviously.
Luke Skywanker
But on the other hand he also has a really hard time watching people waste water, so that makes him feel sick in the "you make me sick" sense.
Luke Skywanker
35. If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be?
Luke Skywanker
That's a really great question. not be Leia's brother No um... I think maybe he'd like to be less impatient? Like he doesn't MEAN to whine or protest.
Luke Skywanker
He also might choose to be a few inches taller
Luke bby
You take after mom and grandma
1, 2, 11, 17, 18 Luke
18, 21, 30 Kirk
Luke Skywanker
StupidSexyV⚠der : aww, he does
Luke Skywanker
1. What is one word to shut them up?
There are a couple. Bespin and Death Star come to mind.
Luke Skywanker
2. What is the thing they feel the most guilty about?
Not being there when the stormtroopers came for Owen and Beru. He knows that's stupid, but there it is.
Luke Skywanker
11. Do they have any vices?
Probably a tendency to isolate, cut off his feelings, which I suppose is a form of pride in the sense that he thinks he can take it all on himself.
Luke Skywanker
17. What sound always gives them a headache?
He can hear that high pitched hum that indicates poor wiring and it makes him want to fix it but also just irritates his brain.
Luke Skywanker
18. Is there a certain flavor that disgusts them?
He'll try anything, it's all pretty exciting. But sometimes stuff that is too fancy OR not er, too processed confuses him. So it's less a flavor and more if the texture of something is pretty authentic it can be a poor reaction.
Luke Skywanker
18. Is there a certain flavor that disgusts them?
Yes. There was a flavoring in the ration bars that were all that was left on Tarsus IV after awhile, and these things were like GOLD but they had a strong fake coconut taste and he can't eat coconut anything.
Luke Skywanker
21. What is something that causes them great anxiety?
He has a handle on most of his anxieties, of course. Anything that threatens his crew/ship, he takes very personally. But referring to the above, he does still have lingering food scarcity anxiety.
Luke Skywanker
30. Have they ever been bullied?
Star Trek - You're An Old Man!
Luke Skywanker
Obviously this is his memory/anxiety manifesting, but he did attract some unpleasantness in school. Partly he was a late bloomer, partly he was clearly damaged after returning from Tarsus and looked vulnerable, partly he was incredibly smart and tended to alienate the classmates he sped past.
Luke bby. that would have been BAD
also poor Kirk
Luke Skywanker
no, of course, and he knows it
Luke Skywanker
But survivor guilt and all htat
Luke Skywanker
Luke Skywanker
But yeah, my Kirk headcanon is full of very tightly controlled responses to what happened on Tarsus IV that manifest once in awhile.
Luke Skywanker
(It also makes his little pudge in the later seasons more poignant)
Luke being prone to seasickness makes me want to have James take Luke out on a boat.
Luke Skywanker
I just made that up now lol
Luke Skywanker
let's do it, so sexy
(it really does and maaaan him and magneto. w need to figure how to do a thing)
Luke Skywanker