فك يو
my friend, friday night: haha i hope this chicken is done well enough; i turned off the oven by accident partway through cooking it
فك يو
me, friday night: lol okay
فك يو
me, saturday night, dizzy and headachey with chills: (okok)
.... This is what thermometers are for
oh no :-(
n...o...no? No
iiiiif you haven't already, I'd consider seeing a doctor as soon as reasonably possible
فك يو
Wait really? I googled salmonella poisoning and everything was all "if you suspect you have it you should be okay without a doctor unless you're elderly/immunocompromized/have been sick for more than a week"
yeah that was my understanding too... salmonella is really just a kind of food poisoning, unless it becomes complicated--like you become severely dehydrated from throwing up, etc, or it somehow escapes your intestinal system.
there's not a whole lot that a doctor can do other than tell you to just ride it out and drink a lot of fluids, if you can keep them down
فك يو
i have not puked once, so i'm considering that a victory
فك يو
i've been sleeping on and off since 7pm last night and i still feel dizzy, though, so idefk
the dizziness might be a little concerning, I'd try to drink more water if you can.
You might want to drink something that has added electrolytes if you can
As someone who gets dizzy even when I'm only barely dehydrated, the only thing that helps me is stuff like Gatorade
فك يو
bleh, same; my blood pressure is also consistently on the low side which i'm sure doesn't help
فك يو
definitely have been sipping water, and electrolytes are a good idea
فك يو
overall i'm feeling better, if still kind of shitty; i'm thinking i'm going to try to make it to rehearsal today
I actually spent three days in the hospital with salmonella once, and was varying degrees of delusions the whole time, then was followed up on by a public health nurse
فك يو
holy shit
yeah, it can be bad. They told me at the time that if my littlest had had the same dose of bad egg I'd had (I was fortunately making meringues, not, say, choco chip cookies where I routinely let them eat the dough, I had about the size of a seed pearl bit I licked absently off a finger) she might have died :/
فك يو
jfc, that's horrifying
oh yeah, it really really was. Didn't let them touch raw cookie dough for years, or used pasteurized 'egg product' from the store. Was very paranoid
the public health nurse who followed up with me said she also had 2 elementary school age brothers who'd gotten it too, but fortunately not as severely, and she had to track them and forbid them to go back to school until they tested negative for having any of it in their system anymore
b/c it's very contagious, stays in your system for ages, and you can't trust little kids to wash their hands well enough to not pass it on and end up with a whole school infected
so, y'know, take care of yourself :/
:-( fack