Dr. BeardoPuff
Don’t Play the Goose Game
this is the stupidest thing I've read in weeks
Dr. BeardoPuff
Because the thesis of it is
Dr. BeardoPuff
"Playing games is a form of labor, which isn't leisure"
Dr. BeardoPuff
Dr. BeardoPuff
Dr. BeardoPuff
"game make you do thing that is hard; thing that is hard take effort; PLAYBOR if you will; therefore, game bad"
Dr. BeardoPuff
Also this is on The Atlantic. If you've reached your max Atlantic articles for the month, open it in an incognito tab.
Dr. BeardoPuff
"My colleague Kriston Capps worried that the game might endorse furtive evil, “crossing over from a lark to a possible civilizational threat,” as he put it. The truth is both worse and better. The goose isn’t really wreaking havoc, it turns out. The goose is running errands."
Dr. BeardoPuff
"The only problem is that you have to play the game to do so. And playing a game is a chore. That’s the big problem with video games: To enjoy them, you have to play them. And playing them requires exerting the effort to operate them. Games are machines, and broken ones at that. "
This writer is human, right?
Not a space alien?
Poinsettia 🌺
I do t even have to read this article to be mad
Also of all games to mark out as "hard..."
Dr. BeardoPuff
Writer is an Academic
Dr. BeardoPuff
Too much work for soft hu-man brain.
tsuchinoko real
Oh wow this even has the classic "comparison to current events to make it sound like I'm an important cutting edge reporter and not a games journalist" bit
tsuchinoko real
"AS BREXIT LOOMS-" https://images.plurk.com/6XZDD7RZFa9OrETKWK42my.png
Dr. BeardoPuff
He's not a Games Journalist (tm) he's an Academic
Dr. BeardoPuff
hence the Potemkin Tower
Dr. BeardoPuff
A reference only an Academic would make
tsuchinoko real
How did he ever make it through college if pressing Y to honk makes him faint
Dr. BeardoPuff
probably wrote his dissertation on the oppressive nature of Loom's music mechanic
Dr. BeardoPuff
I'm also a bit surprised that when he Praises people finding ways to break this game he does not also mention the speedrunning community
Dr. BeardoPuff
except he would probably consider that to be a form of Labor too because it becomes a user inherited set of rules within the physics engine of the game.
ash hole
what the whole ENTIRE fuck
ash hole
I don't.......work isn't inherently bad????????
ash hole
having to work for something CAN be leisure? does. does knitting or seeing or making ANYTHING not count????????
ash hole
has this guy ever left the comfort of his office that is no doubt filled with very important books by very important white men????????
ash hole
if you take a walk in the woods that's WORK so it's not good for you
Dr. BeardoPuff
yeah, the Atlantic will occasionally published responses to their pieces, and this is one that I've almost thought about writing response to as it asserts that Leisure is something that is entirely passive and has no active component which is crazy privileged.
ash hole
like.....I'm all about accessibility for games and there being easy modes and shit like that but this isn't even that argument
ash hole
this is the coldest gaming take I have ever seen, and I have a cursory knowledge of matpat
ash hole
oh my god please write a response and ask this guy if he has ever made a single thing with his hands
im. i. oh my god
tsuchinoko real
we should all just sit around and stare into space, forever
ash hole
remember if you are using An Muscle or An Braincell, you are Working, and that is, BAD!
ash hole
apparently this guy wrote a fucking book
ash hole
so did you write that book because you wanted to or because it was work? or??? IS IT POSSIBLE THOSE TWO THINGS CAN COEXIST???
ash hole
also his final dig at that girl who collected all the items in the game and put them in the hidey hole
ash hole
like genuinely go fuck yourself, guy
ash hole
what a weirdo
tsuchinoko real
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EHl3osTXYAAKDCk?format=png video games personally killed this man's parents
Dr. BeardoPuff
whomst is this man
ash hole
what is wrong with him
ash hole
imagine hating fun this much
tsuchinoko real