[31-ish nights of Halloween] Fiiiinally watching Netflix's Haunting of Hill House!
Likely to be a bit short on liveblogging, due to Revising The Commissioned Story...
But, yay! for using the opening lines of the novel! One of my favorite horror quotes of all time...
(Next to HPL's "The oldest and strongest emotion known to man..."
Love the house toooo... (also - technical note - what looks like long lenses they're using)
Long lens will add to the depth of a scene, so it's good for playing with the dimensions of the space. Perfect for Hill House..
I read the book at Halloween a few years back and it's one of those books that's so awesome I wish I'd written it.
I also kept asking myself why I hadn't read it sooner???
I'm a little on the fence with the way it's updated to contemporary times, though I suppose the book was set in contemporary times for the 1950s...
Oh I remember watching this! I had no idea it was based on a novel from the 1950s though!
Personally, I believe that whether or not "updated" screen adaptations are a good idea, tends to be a case by case issue. With certain stories, you can change the location, the era, maybe even the character's exact age/race/gender etc; and it won't really affect anything. There are other stories however, that are firmly rooted in their historical background.
Yeah, the novel is... there's a very timeless quality to it, mostly because most of the action takes place inside of the house, which is a very disorienting place in and of itself.
The plot, etc. don't really hinge on the time period it's set in, so... it could more or less be any era after, say, WWII.
So far, I'm intrigued by the first episode. May need to watch more to form a broader opinion of it.
Love the atmosphere and the look of the house.
Love the overall tone (which reminds me a bit of NBC's Hannibal)