🎨 ıɐɓuǝ⊥
i've been ignoring stomach pain for like 3 days now but it's not necessarily getting worse but it's just persistent. However there's not really any other crohn's things going on. like. idk. I only have a finite amount of prednisone left so idk whether to put myself on another round of it or wait to see if it gets worse >>
🎨 ıɐɓuǝ⊥
and it's definitely crohn's pain like it's definitely MY INTESTINES RAW FEELING
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kind of like an rubbing alcohol on open wound pain but inside my body
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and i guess reallyt he reason it doesn't go away is because I haven't stopped eating
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and it's the process of digesting that's painful
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like i can time it and know when the pain will start according to when i last ate
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but there's no nausea
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heck there's not even any diarrhea which kind of makes me wonder if that's what makes it hurt
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also good god i really need a mental break like a staycation thing
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because a vacation is imposible but it's so hard here
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i remember how easy it was to stay overnight in a casino on nights wehre they had really cheap rooms for locals and it just... was always so refreshing to just be away from home and everything
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like i'm so anxious and stressed all the fucking time
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and being home i feel stressed and anxious too
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so it's not just a work thing like i'm constantly on edge about nate and sammy too i guess
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like it'd be nice to spend the weekend in indy in a semi-decent hotel and go to some bars that have live music or something
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hit up the museums during the day
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or the zoo or something
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just not be...here
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i am only ever here, work or my mom's house
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anyway yeah in pain and whiny and just
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been really really depressed lately and trying to hide it lmfao
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it's just exhausting to constantly fight anxiety brain because i know how it can affect work and i need it not to
Aғᴛᴇʀᴍᴀᴛʜ Cᴀᴛ
🎨 ıɐɓuǝ⊥
whines about stomach pain tho forreals
🎨 ıɐɓuǝ⊥
I spoke too soon about nausea round of prednisone here we go
Aғᴛᴇʀᴍᴀᴛʜ Cᴀᴛ
:-( take care, kit
🎨 ıɐɓuǝ⊥
I’ll do my best
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I literally can’t call off this week Bc mike is out of town like in Florida out of town so no one else knows how to do the kitchen but me
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And I can’t afford to miss a day anyway
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But I just wanna curl up and die I should have started the prednisone days ago but it was manageable levels and sometimes it does just go away
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I would give my right arm to have $200 to go see the gi doctor
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I mean idk how I would get the biologic I need but sometimes the have samples
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Tries not to throw up ;;
🎨 ıɐɓuǝ⊥
Just not gonna eat tomorrow