Hey, folks of about my age (3-4 decades) do you remember those noisemakers that were like... just a long hollow, usually ribbed plastic tube that you'd hold one end of and just whip the other end around your head like a helicopter to make howling noises?
if so, do you remember what the hell they were called?
Haunted Boobs
YES!!!!! Oh shit, what were they called
ready seth NO
I don't know what they are called but there was a song that always made me think of them...
Hooded Figure
...if they're the ones I saw in that one tumblr post, they were groan tubes
ready seth NO
I just need to remember the name of the song now
Haunted Boobs
Swirly Tubes?
Haunted Boobs
Or something like that
no, groan tubes are the ones with a little slider in them like a squeaky toy
Haunted Boobs
these were big, like idk, 2-3 feet long, looked like a giant drinking straw
ready seth NO
WHIRLY TUBES. They are called whirly tubes.
Haunted Boobs : ready seth NO : YES YES THAT'S THE ONES thank you
railway crab
all I could think of was 'woog tube' or 'woob tube' and both of those were wrong, and a bullroarer (which was the only other thing I could think of) was a different thing entirely
ready seth NO
Haunted Boobs
I think they were also called Bloogles
Haunted Boobs
Or maybe Bloogles was a brand name
ready seth NO
Ace of Base - All That She Wants (Official Music Vid...
And this is the song that always reminded me of them when I heard it.
ready seth NO
The whirly tube, corrugaphone, or bloogle resonator, is an experimental musical instrument which consists of a corrugated (ribbed) plastic tube or hose (hollow flexible cylinder), open at both ends and possibly wider at one end (bell), the thinner of which is rotated in a circle to play.
heee! I just found that first vid, she's adorable, but yes, those are exactly the ones I was thinking of
and like, I understand why we don't have them anymore, same reason there's foam chips instead of woodchips or sand under playground equipment
Think Of The Chiiiildrennn!™
Haunted Boobs
Yeah they were more often used to whap other children than make weird sounds. Or both at once
y e p
and at least the 'boom tubes' they have now are just like, inflatable doohickeys you rub together
still good for whapping, but shorter reach and def. not as whippy
Hooded Figure
Yeah that's pretty much why I never had those as kids
Hooded Figure
parents didn't think we needed more stick-shaped objects to bap each other with XD
ready seth NO
I have distinct memories of standing in the local pharmacy playing with whirly tubes while waiting for my parents to pick up their medicine. The pharmacy had a pretty decent toy selection. I thiiink I may have had one of the tubes at home but don't actually remember playing with one there.
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Wood chips/mulch is still widely used. Sand is actually worse
For playgrounds /random aside
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drowns in cda courses and too many outside safety ones lately
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What’s really irritating is you learn. About how risk is important to development but we’ve taken all the risk out of child’s play and so like a huge part of development is now handicapped Bc centers and parents are scared of backlash now
poetanarchy: oh no, I know, I'm just saying we used to have sand or even just bare concrete, and now it's mulch or that weird stringy foam stuff
i remembered them but had no idea what they where called
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I thought you meant now it’s sand or foam
and yeah! That's always been one of my 'but kids need to be calibrated! They can't do that if you ain't let them!' things
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And I was like sand has to be covered it’d be a terrible covering lol
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Our director/owner got ticked off at liscensing and like now we have tree stumps for kids to jump between and climb on and jump off of Bc SHES like dammit kids are supposed to take risks so they can learn when not to do something
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Bc technically the tree stumps aren’t a violation lol but they’re inherently encouraging kids to take risks
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More kids get hurt on the “safe” play structures smh
I just remember how mad we were as kids and how disappointed my ma' was when the local park changed over from one of those old-school playpark equipment things that was all treated redwood and metal to this super-duper-safe almost entirely smooth plastic/rounded corners/nothing too tall set with the stringy foam mats instead of the sand and the wood chips
and this was in like... idk, '95?
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I mean the metal was a terrible idea as a kid who lived in Oklahoma and sometimes it was 120 degrees in summer
lol, yeah, no, I still laugh at all the 'well how hot was she?' 'u know the tallest slide in July?' jokes
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But some of the plastic materials get super hot too
I mean, we're in cali, but yeah
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YEAH! And? Come to find out, that plastic burns real easy, way easier than the treated redwood would have
(source: neighborhood vandals set a fire in the plastic tunnel and the whole thing melted)
(wheras there were sometimes scorch marks on the redwood, but no actual fires)
this is what I was thinking when I said that children needed to be calibrated, but couldn't think of what it was called
ack, that one's tiny, hang on
link to the readable one
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Lmao truth
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I could read it
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But like also just learning risk assessment is a skill kids need to learn
which monkey bars that are only 2" high will not do
I mean, unless the child is like my brother and will scramble up on top of them to use them as a bridge
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That is every child
well, i mean, I wouldn't have, but that was because I had an exceptional fear of heights