Hey, folks of about my age (3-4 decades) do you remember those noisemakers that were like... just a long hollow, usually ribbed plastic tube that you'd hold one end of and just whip the other end around your head like a helicopter to make howling noises?
all I could think of was 'woog tube' or 'woob tube' and both of those were wrong, and a bullroarer (which was the only other thing I could think of) was a different thing entirely
The whirly tube, corrugaphone, or bloogle resonator, is an experimental musical instrument which consists of a corrugated (ribbed) plastic tube or hose (hollow flexible cylinder), open at both ends and possibly wider at one end (bell), the thinner of which is rotated in a circle to play.
I have distinct memories of standing in the local pharmacy playing with whirly tubes while waiting for my parents to pick up their medicine. The pharmacy had a pretty decent toy selection. I thiiink I may have had one of the tubes at home but don't actually remember playing with one there.
What’s really irritating is you learn. About how risk is important to development but we’ve taken all the risk out of child’s play and so like a huge part of development is now handicapped Bc centers and parents are scared of backlash now
Our director/owner got ticked off at liscensing and like now we have tree stumps for kids to jump between and climb on and jump off of Bc SHES like dammit kids are supposed to take risks so they can learn when not to do something
I just remember how mad we were as kids and how disappointed my ma' was when the local park changed over from one of those old-school playpark equipment things that was all treated redwood and metal to this super-duper-safe almost entirely smooth plastic/rounded corners/nothing too tall set with the stringy foam mats instead of the sand and the wood chips
I just need to remember the name of the song nowThe whirly tube, corrugaphone, or bloogle resonator, is an experimental musical instrument which consists of a corrugated (ribbed) plastic tube or hose (hollow flexible cylinder), open at both ends and possibly wider at one end (bell), the thinner of which is rotated in a circle to play.
For playgrounds /random aside
drowns in cda courses and too many outside safety ones lately