【女性影展】《失控家族》(God Only Knows),電影談的是陰性的包容與宗教的愛,在大歐洲的背景下只能說有所感應但理解不深。 劇中以黑白片呈現姊弟間如信件般項彼此吐露的私密告白宛如告解,把觀眾當神一樣(所以變成片名?)。從頭到尾都以弟弟的精神疾病,如生病的耶穌一般,維持對這個家庭抱有的病識觀感,這都是我覺得電影不錯的地方。
這段在講除了家的場景,其他外景的意義。但個人也是聯想不深,不過這部電影真的七成都在三姊弟的老家,患精神病的弟弟一個人住在家裡。 Public spaces are represented by churches and migrant reception centres, places that represent forgotten humanity and are in urgent need of a new narrative, full of Christian mercy, which guides the protagonists towards a long-awaited finale.
這段則是把導演拍片的意圖很簡潔地總結了出來。 Mijke de Jong does well not to slip into conveying opposing strict, radical views, and instead explores the complexity of the characters' relationship with religion, with themselves and with others.
The film’s two female characters gravitate towards Thomas, his anxiety stemming from his Christian faith and sexuality – a reflection of the wounds caused by this double life, and the driving force behind the human spirituality he directs at others.
Public spaces are represented by churches and migrant reception centres, places that represent forgotten humanity and are in urgent need of a new narrative, full of Christian mercy, which guides the protagonists towards a long-awaited finale.
Mijke de Jong does well not to slip into conveying opposing strict, radical views, and instead explores the complexity of the characters' relationship with religion, with themselves and with others.