illin' klorvus
what would your character ask mine if they had to tell the truth and could not be evasive or leave stuff out?
Vax: What is your greatest fantasy? What is his honest opinion of Caleb? What does Caleb have to do to get him covered in pearls?

Jasper: What is his honest opinion of Caleb? Will he find Caleb a book all about Kindred?
illin' klorvus
vax has a lot of big fantasies??? he'll narrow this down to fantasies he'd really do and are really possible and say that he wants to get ganged up on by a group and also they'd be super degrading/dismissive of him and he wouldn't get to come
illin' klorvus
honest opinion: sex prodigy?? why is he so good at sex tho??? he also obviously has a really good heart and is in a lot of pain and vax wishes he could take that pain away. he wants to keep giving caleb his trust and his love and hope that eventually it sinks in that he's deserving of it. very few people have made vax feel as supported and protected as caleb
illin' klorvus
protected might be the wrong word, it's more the course of normal human interaction most of the time people will do some little thing wrong that annoys you or hurts your ability to trust, and caleb has not done that in a sex context
illin' klorvus
as for the last one: just ask, he would LOVE that
illin' klorvus
jasper's opinion of caleb is "seems cool. is definitely a match for me in a fight, which is important and needful. has the sense to take it outside and do the magic thing when he wants to fuck, so that's nice."
illin' klorvus
honestly it's all variations on "he's fine" because that's jasper's default state unless you really impress him
illin' klorvus
a book all about kindred doesn't exist
illin' klorvus
there is the book of nod, but it's not written in a language caleb understands and also if any other kindred found out he gave it to a human (this could easily include nines) he would be...punished
illin' klorvus
KindOfAWizard : there you go ask a lot of questions get a lot of answers
It’s funny that Vax and Caleb tend to have the same fantasies but with different flavors to them! Like Caleb would also love to be in that scenario but probably with praise instead and like more pushing him past the point of being over-sensitive.
Lol, both their opinions are pretty much what I expected. Caleb would be a little embarrassed about the sex outside work thing though, even though it’s not a bad thing.
illin' klorvus
honestly vax would also be into it with praise! caleb just asked what the best version of it is
illin' klorvus
frankly, the praise version would be better for vax, but he's not quite that self-aware and it also wouldn't even immediately occur to him as a possibility
Ah, gotcha!

Caleb is sad of the lack of Kindred book but understands.
illin' klorvus
vax's favorite is probably actually loving degradation where it's BOTH
So complicated Vax! It is very hard to do both at once!
illin' klorvus
he won't say it's not hard because he's not on that side of it but keyleth doesn't seem to have any problem going "aww, that's cute but you'd need to have an actual dick for that, sweetie"
illin' klorvus
he'd explain it as best he could if caleb wanted him to
illin' klorvus
"treat me like a sweet dumb thing that you love but also don't think very much of"
ʀᴀᴅɪᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ᴋɪɴɢ
tbf that's the best keyleth can do when it comes to being degrading
ʀᴀᴅɪᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ᴋɪɴɢ
she cant be mean
illin' klorvus
illin' klorvus
her doing it is probably a nonzer part of why it's his favrite
illin' klorvus
he probably associates it with love and safety because of that
ʀᴀᴅɪᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ᴋɪɴɢ
Adiva but sleeb
I feel like Vax has been pretty open with Nott! She might ask him "seriously, truthfully, what do you think about the goblin thing" but she also might not really want to know.
illin' klorvus
i think it would be mixedish probably
illin' klorvus
"vax has been pretty open" [stares at ten minute long voicemail]
Adiva but sleeb
Adiva but sleeb
"I have a lot of feelings"
illin' klorvus
illin' klorvus
but the answer to that is "at first i was a little weirded out and i'm maybe still getting over a little bit of that, but mostly you're just you, now. i do feel kind of guilty because i have a friend who, if he comes, i will almost absolutely be choosing one of you over the other because he hates goblins so much."
Adiva but sleeb
ahaha ouch but yep
Adiva but sleeb
Goblins are the worst! She knows it!
illin' klorvus
vax is like, working real hard on all these racist goblin thoughts he has
illin' klorvus
not knowing
Adiva but sleeb
aww, he's a good boy for that
God, if Scanlan shows and it causes shit Caleb is absolutely going to be so fucking defensive over Nott.
illin' klorvus
lmao i have no idea how that would go down
illin' klorvus
i mean bviusly it would depend on the player
illin' klorvus
but vax assumes it would be a problem
Adiva but sleeb