Ok so no testimony today. Not only that but now we find government business has been discussed on private cellphones!??

Does this sound familiar to anyone?
What about her emails??!!
MarvelMouse 🐭
I 'think' this might be good. Trump is panicking. A panicked Trump is a stupid Trump.
Stereo Nacht
"Lock him up!" ;-)
MarvelMouse 🐭 : every time he opens his mouth he gets himself in deeper. Give him enough rope and he’ll hang himself.

I’m still waiting.
MarvelMouse 🐭
Yeah he just admitted on twitter than HE and HE ALONE is stopping the testimony lol. Thank you for admitting to obstruction.
Stereo Nacht
FREEarmStar🌟🎉 : Oh, he already has enough rope to hang himself. But the Republicans keep lowering the bar from which he would hang... But then, he digs himself deeper. Repeat ad nauseam.
Beyoncé Enjoyer
MarvelMouse 🐭
Beyoncé Enjoyer this pic needs to be on repeat
Beyoncé Enjoyer : EXACTLY!!!! LOL