July, July
[cw: bad hot takes to be edgy and bring up things like pedophilia] I cannot believe I have been forced to be catty in the pursuit of participating in class lectures. I'm so done with this class and girl.
July, July
the class is a humanities one that is supposed to be a group discussion and lecture about the middle ages.
July, July
this one girl so far:
July, July
constantly makes every comment about religion she can swing to priests fiddling children.
July, July
interrupts other people constantly with outright wildly off topic shit.
July, July
will speak over other people including the professor even when we are in 'raise your hands to bring things up' mode.
July, July
bring up shit that's just straight up been disproven or is offensive.
July, July
I just...
July, July
like fucking yo, man.
July, July
I got paid in the military to be spoken over.
July, July
I am not paying for a university degree with money or my attention to listen to bad tumblr takes on why the wife of bath is a hot bitch you want to have step on you when the professor called on me and you didn't even let me talk, holy shit
July, July
I just wanted to bring up the importance of the contrast of the Wife of Bath as she's described and how it juxtaposes against where she lives and where she goes
July, July
Not be subjected to weird rambles about her being a hot BBW!
July, July
July, July
What the actual fuck
Have you talked to your professor about it? Because that sounds like something they should be dealing with
July, July
She made a rebuke over it today.
July, July
I admittedly got catty over being straight up interrupted.
July, July
Because I had my hand raised, waited, got actively called on with being looked at and the second the professor stopped speaking she started talking.
July, July
this isn't an accidental 'oh we're in the same direction and she thought she was being called on' situation.
July, July
which when it's that kind of setup it happens, I've done it before, realize, apologize.
July, July
the room uses round tables, the prof walks around, the prof wasn't looking in this girl's direction at all, and she didn't even have her hand up.
July, July
much less fucking apologize for stealing my turn.
July, July
I am admittedly really annoyed at this too because other classmates in this class are beginning to get extra discouraged from participating due to her behavior and also asking me to speak up against stuff she's saying in class.
jesus christ i'm sorry you have to deal with that
July, July
: It's one thing to have tumblr takes but... come on. this is an upper level course on the humanities. No one needs or wants to hear anyone ramble about how the Wife of Bath must be hot because she's broad (because you misread it entirely).
I was in a class last year with this girl who kept trying to steer every single discussion in this media class back to the MCU and Yuri on Ice
July, July
oh my god I would die.
But at least that wasn't like... offensive so much as just really, really annoying
July, July
I already felt very embarrassed earlier today when I carefully brought up 'amateur serial fiction on the internet' to bring up the similarities in structures of plotting that Dickens uses that certain contemporary writers also use that have to do with serialization.
July, July
which is about as carefully as you can say fanfiction without actually using the word because that is how the literary world describes fanfic. 'amateur fiction'.
July, July
because the point isn't the fanfic but the comparison of modern media similarity because of the structure.
July, July
(that said I know the professor in that case knows what I was talking about because he has what is effectively self insert Lord Byron vampire fanfic.)
July, July
(which is a story for a different plurk.)