Cute Quinn
[yiik] there's a really weird persistent Thing with the voice acting in this game
Cute Quinn
where during intense moments, the actors do these insane, scenery-chewing screaming line deliveries
Cute Quinn
but the sprites are just doing, like
Cute Quinn
slightly miffed expressions
Cute Quinn
and it creates this bizarre dissonance
Cute Quinn
where you can't tell how emotional they're supposed to be
Cute Quinn
also check out this endboss design
Princess Emily
there is no way that is the endboss
Cute Quinn
I'm not sure if it actually is or not since he story-lost to it
Cute Quinn
and is now floating in space crying about how all his friends are dead
Yiik has such a weird variety of overdesigned and half-assed elements.
Hazard Kitten
and straight up plagiarized parts hammered in
Hazard Kitten
it's so weird the game keeps going 'Alex is a terrible person' but then goes out of it's damned way to have him not actually face the consequences
Cute Quinn
I mean, this time the consequences are that everyone in the universe is dead
yeah, the universe literally revolves around alex
like that's literally the plot