Folks are urging Pelosi to cancel the recess which is just how little people care about Jewish holidays. Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur are during recess.
Free Star🌟💫🔥
The intell committee already said they were working through the break. New Years is on the weekend anyway. It’s just Yom Kippur that’s on Monday/Tuesday.
Free Star🌟💫🔥
I think it’s les about caring about the holidays and more about how important the work is that needs to be done.
Yeah, I have to agree. We can't allow the momentum to flag.
Tillor Swift
Ugh idk how I feel about that. I guess I'd ask the Jewish congresspeople how they feel about it because I have no idea how many of them even observe, you know? Maybe get out before sundown on Tuesday
Tillor Swift
Has Congress ever worked through Easter recess? Apparently there was a Christmas Eve session in the 60s
Conservatives are relentless. While we take a day off they will turn the narrative and advance their interests. We should think of ourselves as being on a war footing right now.
Because believe me: They are at war.
imho, If the president is guilty of very serious things like treason, and high crimes and misdemeanors, I'm totally ok with an emergency congress recall, I don't care if its Christmas Eve. National Security comes first. I think most people would understand, its a national emergency.
There is a smoking gun, but there also needs to a through presentation of the evidence. The other suspicious conversations hidden on the top secret server need to be reviewed also. And they need time to get at it all. Some estimates are Thanksgiving Weekend will be when the impeachment vote takes place.
The Senate already has the votes to impeach too, BUT Reps will not do if it their names are attached to their vote. I don't know if they can do a private vote.