I should have known it was too good to be true... It was! Behind the TV in the common area, there is a fire hazard just waiting to cause a fire. Cords to various devices are all wound up together, including the power cable to the TV and router. I was in the process of untangling that mess when Jay (a resident ass wipe) comes running in and yelling.
I did not know what was going on until he got to me and was yelling at the top of his voice at me. I can never tell what Jay is saying, because he is deaf, and I can not understand him. It turns out he was yelling at me to stop what I was doing. I do not know why he was yelling except that Josie must have told him something when she went to get him.
To put it mildly, Josie is a clueless busy body who never really knows what is going on, even though she always thinks she does. I think she is Filipino, but am not sure. She is also very difficult to understand at times. She called the Police, even though that was not warranted. I had given up trying to untangle the last cable, when they arrived.
Police basically told everyone what I already knew and tried to tell everyone before they were called. It is not and never was a police matter because there was no crime. Before the police were called, Jay had gotten right up in my face that I could see where his teeth were missing and had his arm cocked back with a fist like he was going to hit me.
It would have been very stupid for Jay to hit me, but he did push me back against the wall when he was in my face. His face could not have been more than an inch or two away from mine.